Procurement-PoE / Procurement

Path Of Exile Character & Stash Management Tool
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Not able to log in #1154

Closed Simadra closed 7 months ago

Simadra commented 1 year ago

Using my alias with trying both account name and numbers did not work to log in. Session ID used from shop page and also tried from normal page for my account. Tried a lot of different combinations to log in. Sometimes loaded like 27 stash tabs with [OK] sign and then just getting error.

By the use of the log in details which should be correct I'm sending the debug log file. DebugInfo.log

ghost commented 11 months ago

You must use a valid, up-to-date browser to login. CEF isn't that.

thailyn commented 7 months ago

I'm going to close this as a duplicate of #1158 (yeah, I know, this is older, but I saw that one first), as I see a bunch of "Too Many Requests" errors in your log and not much else. If you're still having issues after that bug is resolved, please file a new bug. Thanks!