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Package request: emacs #683

Open lccambiaghi opened 3 years ago

lccambiaghi commented 3 years ago

As title.

Maybe it is easy to compile it with the tools already available. Possibly it only needs autoconf and make.

demhademha commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the package request, I'll be working on it shortly

lccambiaghi commented 3 years ago

Thank you, actually I found there is a PR open already:

demhademha commented 3 years ago

Adding emacs is going to be slightly more difficult to add than I anticipated

CuteNatalie commented 3 years ago

Here is a link to a deb that I have compiled yesterday. I currently can’t upload the patches and such until tonight. But here’s a deb while you wait

lccambiaghi commented 3 years ago

Hi @Gymxo thank you for your .deb! Should I just test it as is? I saw there have been few commits on the actual PR, should I try to rebuild with that Makefile instead?

lccambiaghi commented 3 years ago

I installed the .deb and I had to install the following dependencies:

then, running "TERM=xterm-color emacs -nw" worked! Thank you! I will test if further :)

EDIT: @Gyzmo would it be possible to get xterm-256color to work?