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my school knows about this.... #115

Closed lil-sket closed 4 years ago

lil-sket commented 4 years ago

I told 1 friend about it, then word spread faster than the coronavirus

RtypeX commented 4 years ago

oh sh-

ghost commented 4 years ago


ghost commented 4 years ago

Scratch that, do not close this issue, let's tell the collaborators of this repository and everyone else that hacks Prodigy.

ArcerionDev commented 4 years ago

Lol that's not a big deal. Since our hacks aren't working, just deny it until the whole thing blows over.

ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

a few of my friends looked at my computer screen and went to this site.

RtypeX commented 4 years ago


RtypeX commented 4 years ago

xd my friends did it before it got patched

ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago


ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

The hacks were also patched when I figured out how to redirect back to console.

RtypeX commented 4 years ago

Does anyone know the .json file for the redirector?

RtypeX commented 4 years ago

just asking

ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago


ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

Here I'll copy it: Put that into example URL and the Include Pattern

RtypeX commented 4 years ago

mk thx mate

ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago Put that into the Redirect To:

RtypeX commented 4 years ago

imma try brb

ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

And then click Show advanced options and change the checkmark in Main Window to Scripts

RtypeX commented 4 years ago


ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

Try all that and it should work

RtypeX commented 4 years ago

that it?

RtypeX commented 4 years ago


ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago


RtypeX commented 4 years ago

oh thats what i forgot, the advacanced thing

ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

Wait so we don't want lots of people on this site?

RtypeX commented 4 years ago

idk? well we want prodigy to be warned that there hacks so,

ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

Oh so when lots of people use it....

RtypeX commented 4 years ago


ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

Oh No. Then its all my fault :(

ArcerionDev commented 4 years ago

We do, you just said it like it was a bad thing, that's all. But now that you say it, maybe it's best that we don't get as much traffic until we actually get hacks back.

ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

Well not really, but i helped the bad cause

ghost commented 4 years ago

My school does not know about this yet!

RtypeX commented 4 years ago

My classmates kept it a secret... maybe?

ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

Only 10 people around me know, but only 2 other people discovered website.

RtypeX commented 4 years ago

lol my book mark for prodigy is thick blueberry

ghost commented 4 years ago

Well, my siblings know that I hack Prodigy, but my parents don't know about it yet.

ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

To keep this site secret I had to give l hack out and other fake hacks

RtypeX commented 4 years ago

I do this bc I get bored and mostly have free time on online schoolwork.

ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

Luckily NONE of the hacks work, so I don't have to worry

RtypeX commented 4 years ago

Unless you have a redirector?

ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

None of them work, the redirector just lets you have dev tools open while u play prodigy

RtypeX commented 4 years ago


ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

So all I do is try to crash the game for everyone in my prodigy server

ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

I just spam stuff into console

RtypeX commented 4 years ago

I have to disable redirector for me to go on prodigy...

ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

What why?

RtypeX commented 4 years ago


ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

Do you have a dell computer?

ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

A windows dell?

RtypeX commented 4 years ago


ProdigyHacksDontWork commented 4 years ago

Ok. Then use a browser called Chromium. Or firefox and safari