Prodigy-Hacking / ProdigyMathGameHacking

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[BUG]dropdown arrow not showing #1265

Closed butterflybob closed 2 years ago

butterflybob commented 2 years ago

the arrow to load the menu isn't showing so i can't access the hacks

afkvido commented 2 years ago

That's not a bug, you've just set something up incorrectly. Go to our discord server to get support.

00100000 commented 2 years ago

@butterflybob please give us more information on how you set up the hacks to reproduce this bug and screenshot/paste any console errors you get. This could be a mistake on your end, and could be caused by a variety of things.

butterflybob commented 2 years ago

the video on the extension just said to download it

00100000 commented 2 years ago

Are you getting any console errors? Make sure the extension is activated and send us a screenshot of your console please.

butterflybob commented 2 years ago

i just downloaded the extension and its on no errors

00100000 commented 2 years ago

Could you please send a screenshot of your console?

butterflybob commented 2 years ago

and what do you mean by console?

00100000 commented 2 years ago

Ok I'm going to close this issue. It's very likely that this is an issue on your part. Please do what afkvido said:

That's not a bug, you've just set something up incorrectly. Go to our discord server to get support.