Prodigy-Hacking / ProdigyMathGameHacking

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[BUG] #1296

Closed bdshksdsxfsd closed 2 years ago

bdshksdsxfsd commented 2 years ago

prodigy wont lode

afkvido commented 2 years ago

Please provide more information.

ArcerionDev commented 2 years ago

visit the link below-

download the zip file there image

go to chrome://extensions and enable dev mode image

open your file explorer, find the zip you downloaded, and drag the zip into the chrome://extensions page, after you enable dev mode


then, enter prodigy and the cheat menu should appear ~15 seconds after loading into the game

ArcerionDev commented 2 years ago

the extension currently isn't functioning correctly due to prodigy changing the name of their subdomain, so a new extension version is required