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[BUG] adding all pets and/or one specific pet "crashes" your game #1320

Open 0BunnySenpai0 opened 2 years ago

0BunnySenpai0 commented 2 years ago

Description: when adding all pets and/or one specific pet (and after you finish a in-game battle) it says on the screen "you have been inactive for too long"

Replication: add a pet and/or get all pets, go in a battle, win the battle (regularly or with the "win battle" button) and then as soon as you click the the last "X" button it will show a pop up saying "you have been inactive for too long"

Images: image

Console Log:

@ArcerionDev here is the console log

donaldli2020 commented 2 years ago


donaldli2020 commented 2 years ago

does it have other errors

0BunnySenpai0 commented 2 years ago

@donaldli2020 you mean the console output?

donaldli2020 commented 2 years ago

i think you shouldn't add epics

0BunnySenpai0 commented 2 years ago

I did not even add epics (new or old)





ArcerionDev commented 2 years ago

Description: when adding all pets and/or one specific pet (and after you finish a in-game battle) it says on the screen "you have been inactive for too long"

Replication: add a pet and/or get all pets, go in a battle, win the battle (regularly or with the "win battle" button) and then as soon as you click the the last "X" button it will show a pop up saying "you have been inactive for too long"

Images: image

if this is a consistent error please provide a console save image