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WASD movement #1324

Closed donaldli2020 closed 2 years ago

donaldli2020 commented 2 years ago


this is to see if webpack is working for me


donaldli2020 commented 2 years ago

It somehow made a folder called node_modules, whatever that is

AgrTheDev commented 2 years ago

It somehow made a folder called node_modules, whatever that is

It's a folder where NPM modules are contained. I think you gotta put it in a .gitignore file but idk exactly

afkvido commented 2 years ago


node_modules is already in the gitignore

afkvido commented 2 years ago

It somehow made a folder called node_modules, whatever that is

Those are required to do stuff like webpack bundle, build, etc

donaldli2020 commented 2 years ago

theres like a million files inside

donaldli2020 commented 2 years ago

and yes, it does ingore node_modules/

afkvido commented 2 years ago

theres like a million files inside

Mainly dependancies, and some other piss and shit

00100000 commented 2 years ago

Don't make pull requests just to test things... they are for actual contributions, not messing around.

afkvido commented 2 years ago

Don't make pull requests just to test things... they are for actual contributions, not messing around.

Wait, I've made one before and it got merged LMAO.

1294: The PR itself was helpful, but it was sort of a test to see if i can use npm.

00100000 commented 2 years ago

That's not a good thing to do. Pull requests aren't your personal testing grounds for code. The purpose of the PR did not appear to mainly be for testing, though.

afkvido commented 2 years ago

That's not a good thing to do. Pull requests aren't your personal testing grounds for code. The purpose of the PR did not appear to mainly be for testing, though.

It wasn't mainly for testing. But it was one of the things I wanted to get out of the PR