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I would like to be a official Prodigy-Hacking Contributor #912

Closed SakuraKitsunee closed 3 years ago

SakuraKitsunee commented 3 years ago

I can not go on discord right now but here why I should a Prodigy-Hacking Contributor!!

Reasons why I should be a Contributor

I can code in pretty much all coding languages. (the coding languages i work with JavaScript, Python, C++, HTML, CSS)

I work really well with people and can answer pretty much any question about the hacks and anything else about Prodigy-Hacking

I’m just a overall hard working person

ArcerionDev commented 3 years ago

post some of your projects that you've made with those languages on your github, then we'll see

ArcerionDev commented 3 years ago

plus you already have triage access iirc

ArcerionDev commented 3 years ago why did you just take the index for the arena points generator and just copy it into a markdown file????

ArcerionDev commented 3 years ago

it looks like you have 40 repositories and all of them are either not applications or forked from a different repository

ArcerionDev commented 3 years ago

I personally don't know if you're suited for collaboration on the repository, but post some of your other projects if you have any, then we'll follow up later.

ArcerionDev commented 3 years ago

also html and css are markup languages not coding languages

ArcerionDev commented 3 years ago

not to be that guy

ArcerionDev commented 3 years ago


LeoBadeaux commented 3 years ago

Just wait for him to see and reply with previous work.

BoredFishRE commented 3 years ago


ArcerionDev commented 3 years ago

Lmfao so that's a no