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Forces for Carmindz #33

Open neelkanta opened 11 years ago

neelkanta commented 11 years ago

F001. The next car is the dream car. F002. Rising income among working professionals. F003. Frequent releases of new car models. F004. Tendency to buy cars beyond means. F005. Young prospective car owners live with their parents. F006. Availability of easy financing options. F007. Family members help finance car purchases. F008. Cars are important social status symbols. F009. Larger cars are seen as prestigious. F010. Newer cars are seen as prestigious. F011. Commuters drive long distances F012. Distrust of previous owners. F013. Distrust of car dealers. F014. Anxiety over reliability of older cars. F015. High availability of unskilled labour. F016. Hired drivers are perceived as unskilled labour. F017. Undesirable tasks are usually done by unskilled labour. F018. Some colours are more popular than others. F019. Road trips are done with large groups (family and friends). F020. Connections with powerful people are seen as important. F021. Social circles influence car purchasing decisions. F022. People with means are used to getting things done by others. F023. Tendency for commercial services to be complemented by free services F024. Fuel is expensive F025. Car maintenance is expensive F026. Public transport is uncomfortable. F027. Social circles are geographically spread out. F028. Individuals with means have more than one car. F029. Hired drivers influence car-related decisions. F030. Young couples use the cars for courting. F031. Desire for safety while driving. F032. Desire for comfort in the car. F033. Emergence of 2nd-tier cities. F034. Shortage of parking in inner cities. F035. Hired drivers spend a lot of time alone with the car. F036. Limited market for classic cars. F037. Limited concern of environmental issues. F038. De-forestation in urban areas leads to dusty conditions F039. Good roads in urban areas. F040. Poor roads in rural areas. F041. Traffic congestion common in urban areas. F042. Several options besides cars for short distance travel. F043. Desire for car to be secure from theft. F044. Dislike of excessive data entry. F045. Desire to have fun while browsing for cars to buy. F046. Desire to sell car rapidly. F047. Desire to sell car for as much as possible. F048. Desire to buy car for as little as possible. F049. Desire to show car's "best side" to prospective buyers. F050. Dislike of spending excessive time trying to sell a car. F051. Anxiety of losing the chance of buying a particular car. F052. Limited Computer Literacy F053. Desire for proximity for selecting from available cars. F054. Desire for supporting multiple devices. F055. Desire for consistent user experience across devices. F056. Caution of over-emphasizing prosperity. F057. Some brands are perceived as more reliable than others. F058. Some brands are perceived as more prestigious than others. F059. Differences between what was advertised and fact. F060. Employees want to please their employers F061. Distrust of unskilled labour F062. Availability of educated housewives with some spare time. F063. Drivers fulfil several errands unrelated to driving. F064. Drivers keep religious icons in the car. F065. High cultural diversity. F066. Sellers desire to see their advertisement “up” immediately. F067. Desire for buyers and sellers to experience brand consistently. F068. Dislike of paying for a service before seeing results. F069. Car buyers want the previous owners to have been “decent”. F070. 3rd party engagement in services can lead to enhancements. F071. 3rd parties may offer unrelated or conflicting services. F072. High availability of internet cafes in urban areas. F073. Lower internet bandwidth in rural areas. F074. Lower computer literacy in rural areas. F075. Bicycles are perceived as poor man's transport.