Proektsoftbg / Calcpad

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Hope Calcpad could support quick typing of all symbols #177

Open idealkindom opened 10 months ago

idealkindom commented 10 months ago
  1. Greek letters, how about input with ctrl and the nearest English letter?
  2. The logic " and " is to like exponetial, the logic "or" can only be typed in with click on the panel?
Proektsoftbg commented 10 months ago


  1. Greek letters can be entered by pressing Ctrl+G just after the corresponding latin letter. It is exactly the same as in MathCAD. Ctrl + "Letter" directly is used for many purposes by default in all Windows program. For example: Ctrl+S is "Save", Ctrl + C is "Copy", etc. It is a "golden" standard for decades already and it is not good to override this behaviour.

  2. "And" is not the same symbol as exponentiation ^. It is a special unicode symbol ∧. As an alternative to symbols, you can write "and" and "or" as functions.

1andro1 commented 10 months ago

How can a person enter the Greek letters in the terminal application? As example for units?

Proektsoftbg commented 10 months ago

A good question!

Probably with Copy-Paste from outside. But it seems that the console version does not accept Greek letters anyway. I will try to find out why.

Another idea that can help for any software: If you need Greek letters often, probably it is γοοδ to install a Greek keyboard layout on Windows and directly type Greek letters from the keyboard. The layout looks like this:


It is phonetically equivalent to the QWERTY layout, so it is easy to type.

1andro1 commented 10 months ago

Many thanks for your suggestions. I am with a German keyboard which has the µ symbol. Unfortunately, the program does not recognize the symbol as well.


Proektsoftbg commented 10 months ago


No problem! I can fix that.

snoozy2323 commented 10 months ago


No problem! I can fix that.

That would be great, I'm using the "µ" as well a lot 💯

Proektsoftbg commented 10 months ago

Great news!!!

I fixed the special symbols issue in the console version. You can download and install the latest release:

About typing all characters by the keyboard, I propose to do the following for the missing symbols:

⦼     % and Ctr+G
‰      %o
∧      ^ and Ctr+G or && (C++ style)
∨      v and Ctr+G or || (C++ style)
⊕     + and Ctr+G or ^^ (not exactly C++ style)
⁰      0 and Ctr+G
¹      1 and Ctr+G
²      2 and Ctr+G
³      3 and Ctr+G
⁴      4 and Ctr+G
⁵      5 and Ctr+G
⁶      6 and Ctr+G
⁷      7 and Ctr+G
⁸      8 and Ctr+G
⁹      9 and Ctr+G

For the console version, it will be with apostrophe ` before the symbol, instead of Ctrl+G after it.

For those who have missed, these symbols can already be typed by the following shortcuts:

≡      ==
≠      !=
≤      <=
≥      >=
°      @ and Ctr+G
′      ' and Ctr+G (prime is typed by single quote and Ctr+G after it)
″      " and Ctr+G (second is typed by double quote and Ctr+G after it)
ø      j and Ctr+G
Ø      J and Ctr+G
∡      V and Ctr+G
1andro1 commented 10 months ago

I test it and it works. Only in the german keyboard three are three different apostrophes: ', ´, `. Only the last one works. For me it is not a problem, only I do not know how the other keyboards are.

Proektsoftbg commented 10 months ago

Great! I am glad it works.

It should be the ` one (inclined to left). Similar to backslash \ which is normally used to escape symbols. Unfortunately backslash is already an operator in Calcpad.

idealkindom commented 9 months ago


  1. Greek letters can be entered by pressing Ctrl+G just after the corresponding latin letter. It is exactly the same as in MathCAD. Ctrl + "Letter" directly is used for many purposes by default in all Windows program. For example: Ctrl+S is "Save", Ctrl + C is "Copy", etc. It is a "golden" standard for decades already and it is not good to override this behaviour.
  2. "And" is not the same symbol as exponentiation ^. It is a special unicode symbol ∧. As an alternative to symbols, you can write "and" and "or" as functions.

Hi,Ned.I found when I use "and" logic operator in #if #else loop,it always errors. I transfer to the symbol from the panel, then it could work, which I could not find the reason.

Proektsoftbg commented 9 months ago

Hi @idealkindom!

Thank you for reporting that! Can you please share your code?

For example, this one works fine with me:

#if and(1 ∧ 1; 0 ∨ 1)
and(1 ∧ 1; 0 ∨ 1)
#end if
idealkindom commented 9 months ago

Hi @idealkindom!

Thank you for reporting that! Can you please share your code?

For example, this one works fine with me:

#if and(1 ∧ 1; 0 ∨ 1)
and(1 ∧ 1; 0 ∨ 1)
#end if

Now I understand that I might made a wrong syntax.