Intuitive color mixing in a subtractive Red-Yellow-Blue color space. A traditional art school color wheel and palette selector for triadic, split-complementary and tetradic color harmonies. RGB-to-RYB conversion with simple formulas. Built with RayLib.
Version 0.2 brings some useful changes. See CHANGELOG for details. But most notably, the RGB-RYB conversion formulas and Subtractive Color Mixing formula have been moved to their own header and can be used independently of ArtColors and/or Raylib. Also added a colorblind mode to facilitate palette selection for the colorblind.
Version 0.2 brings some useful changes. See CHANGELOG for details. But most notably, the RGB-RYB conversion formulas and Subtractive Color Mixing formula have been moved to their own header and can be used independently of ArtColors and/or Raylib. Also added a colorblind mode to facilitate palette selection for the colorblind.