ProfJski / ArtColors

Intuitive color mixing in a subtractive Red-Yellow-Blue color space. A traditional art school color wheel and palette selector for triadic, split-complementary and tetradic color harmonies. RGB-to-RYB conversion with simple formulas. Built with RayLib.
GNU General Public License v3.0
55 stars 6 forks source link

Hello, Sorry I'm pretty new to GitHub, how do I run this app? #4

Closed TealEgg closed 3 years ago

TealEgg commented 3 years ago

Hello, its been a few days now since I've been looking for a subtractive color mixing tool, and I think this is it. The problem is, I'm extremely new to GitHub, and I don't really know how any of this works. How would I run this app? I read the README and it seems like a really great tool, I essentially need it to make a chart for mixing colors, for example, mixing purple and red makes what or mixing green and yellow makes what, starting from red, yellow and blue. Thanks for making this app and please help me out a little. I also have another question, to get the colors we are going to mix, do we write a hexadecimal code for the color or something like that? Thanks