ProfessionalWiki / AutomatedValues

Wikibase extension that allows defining rules to automatically set labels or aliases based on Statement values
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Product question: when to hide label editing #5

Open JeroenDeDauw opened 2 years ago

JeroenDeDauw commented 2 years ago

Premise: It does not make sense to show label editing UI in cases where labels are automatically generated. After all, when someone uses the editing UI, their edit will just be overridden by generated value.

    "buildLabel": {
        "en": {
            "P2": "$"
        "de": {
            "P2": "$"

Question: in case of the above rule applying to the entity, which labels do we prevent editing for? Just the English and German ones? Or all labels?

Further question: does it typically even make sense for people to be able to add labels in other languages in the types of wikis where rules are used to generate labels? Perhaps it is typically better to restrict label editing to the language or languages the dataset is officially maintained in.

mzeinstra commented 2 years ago

Question: in case of the above rule applying to the entity, which labels do we prevent editing for? Just the English and German ones? Or all labels?

All labels see also #4

Further question: does it typically even make sense for people to be able to add labels in other languages in the types of wikis where rules are used to generate labels? Perhaps it is typically better to restrict label editing to the language or languages the dataset is officially maintained in.

Can we restrict label editing in a certain language with Wikibase? I thought the user rolls only allow editing enabled or disabled.

JeroenDeDauw commented 2 years ago

Can we restrict label editing in a certain language with Wikibase? I thought the user rolls only allow editing enabled or disabled.

There are no permissions or other config that allow restricting which languages a label can be set in. In AutomatedValues we thus need to create our own approach. This approach would just be surface-level hiding of the editing UI. You would still be able to set labels via the web API. More fine grained language based restrictions sounds like an idea for another extension :)

digitaalwerktuig commented 2 years ago

That approach (surface-level hiding of the editing UI) works for our use case, I would say.

Additional note: "our use case" refers to the LUDAP project.