ProfessorManhattan / ansible-androidstudio

🚀 Installs Android Studio and sets up Android SDKs on nearly any OS 🎟
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Playbook execution fails on Ubuntu #1

Open fkromer opened 2 years ago

fkromer commented 2 years ago

The playbook execution fails on Pop!_OS 21.04 (based on Ubuntu). Even when forcing the playbook execution the software is not installed properly.

florian@pop-os:~$ ansible-galaxy install professormanhattan.androidstudio
Starting galaxy role install process
- downloading role 'androidstudio', owned by professormanhattan
- downloading role from
- extracting professormanhattan.androidstudio to /home/florian/.ansible/roles/professormanhattan.androidstudio
- professormanhattan.androidstudio (master) was installed successfully
- adding dependency: professormanhattan.snapd
- adding dependency: professormanhattan.homebrew
- adding dependency:
- downloading role 'snapd', owned by professormanhattan
- downloading role from
- extracting professormanhattan.snapd to /home/florian/.ansible/roles/professormanhattan.snapd
- professormanhattan.snapd (master) was installed successfully
- downloading role 'homebrew', owned by professormanhattan
[WARNING]: - professormanhattan.homebrew was NOT installed successfully: -
sorry, professormanhattan.homebrew was not found on
ERROR! - you can use --ignore-errors to skip failed roles and finish processing the list.

When forcing playbook execution:

florian@pop-os:~$ ansible-galaxy install professormanhattan.androidstudio --ignore-errors --force
Starting galaxy role install process
- changing role professormanhattan.androidstudio from master to unspecified
- downloading role 'androidstudio', owned by professormanhattan
- downloading role from
- extracting professormanhattan.androidstudio to /home/florian/.ansible/roles/professormanhattan.androidstudio
- professormanhattan.androidstudio (master) was installed successfully
[WARNING]: - dependency professormanhattan.snapd (None) from role professormanhattan.androidstudio differs from already installed version (master), skipping
- adding dependency: professormanhattan.homebrew
- adding dependency:
- downloading role 'homebrew', owned by professormanhattan
[WARNING]: - professormanhattan.homebrew was NOT installed successfully: - sorry, professormanhattan.homebrew was not found on
- downloading role 'java', owned by professormanhattan
[WARNING]: - was NOT installed successfully: - sorry, was not found on
ProfessorManhattan commented 2 years ago

Hey @fkromer -- sorry about this issue. It's happening because we are currently in the process of releasing over a hundred roles. Some of the roles which are dependencies of this role have not been published to Ansible Galaxy. Sorry about the inconvenience.

If you want, you can manually override it by removing the dependencies in meta/main.yml.

Follow me if you'd like to be informed when the roles get published (should be within the coming weeks).

Dzamir commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem, can't wait for the new roles :-)