ProfileCreator / ProfileManifests

Manifest repository for the ProfilePayloads framework
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Add license #606

Open zwass opened 1 year ago

zwass commented 1 year ago

We discussed this on macadmins slack a few months ago.

This repo is awesome, and looks like it's intended to be used widely by projects! Can you please add a license (ideally MIT or Apache2) to make this clear? Thank you!

apizz commented 1 year ago

Thanks again for nudging on this @zwass. Just documenting a previous tentative convo over in #macadmins (which ultimately didn't materialize):

Given @relgit & are major contributors to this project would just want to center with them and make sure there's nothing that negatively impacts their ability to contribute in any of those licenses (admittedly I too am not so familiar on OS licensing and why we'd want one over another).

Thanks again!

kevinmcox commented 1 year ago

This site has a good overview of licenses:

MIT: Apache2:

mikermcneil commented 3 weeks ago

@apizz @relgit @digidna if you run into questions, @gilesp314 might be able to help (she taught me about licenses)

Or let me know and I’m happy to spend some time brainstorming licensing with you (I set it up for sailsjs and fleet). If helpful, I’m mikermcneil in macadmins

MIT is a simple, easy, option that many consider the best practice for gratis+libre open source projects used by people at work. (I usually just copy and paste the LICENSE from any other repo into this one and change the authors and dates. Some folks opt to say, eg. 2022-present, to avoid the silly ritual of updating the year)

PS. Here’s my favorite talk on the history of open-source licensing, courtesy @fat at dotJS Paris: “What is open source and why am I so guilty all the time” He goes from Unix, to Stallman, to Linus, to modern OSS, to his own first popular open-source package (“Twitter” Bootstrap)

kevinmcox commented 3 weeks ago

For what it's worth, I'm still on-board for an MIT license.