Profitbase / PowerBI-visuals-FinancialReportingMatrix

Power BI Custom Visual for Financial Reporting
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Format when exporting as Excel file #532

Open alex6926 opened 7 months ago

alex6926 commented 7 months ago

Hi all,

Here is how the OP. EBITDA and its ratio are displayed in Power BI :


When I download the P&L as an Excel file, some formats are more or less properly displayed while some others don't keep the PBI format at all :


I think the format is properly displayed in the extraction when it is managed in the parameters of ProfitBase. While when the format is done with a formula (e.g. : IF(Row().style =="custom1",Format(Measure,"+0.0pts;-0.0pts"),Measure), the extract does not support the format.

Thanks for your help,


AndersAano commented 7 months ago


We'll look into this. How is the "% OPERATING EBITDA MARGIN" row created? We have a new beta out for testing, and I tried that with the formula you added in your comment, but the "pts" string didn't make the export.

Not sure how excel will work with format strings like that, but we'll see if we can make some modifications to it.

Using the beta: image


Export: image

Beta version:

Best regards Anders

AndersAano commented 6 months ago

Hi @alex6926 We have not been able to find a way to make excel accept "pts" as a format string without making the whole cell a string (text) field.

If it's converted to a string - it will not be able to use in calculations in Excel. I'm not sure that is a preferred solutions.

Best regards Anders

alex6926 commented 6 months ago


% OPERATING EBITDA MARGIN row is a calculated row made by using "Add a row after". It uses the OPERATING EBITDA which is also a calculated row (Revenue - Operating expenses) divided by the Revenue.

For sure, it won't be a preferred solution. If it can help, the string format I use in Excel which keeps the cell format as a number is : +# ##0,0" pts";-# ##0,0" pts";-

Thanks for the help, And by the way I really appreciate the tool !

Best, Alex