Profitbase / PowerBI-visuals-FinancialReportingMatrix

Power BI Custom Visual for Financial Reporting
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Use my licence with another PC #533

Closed gaeldevys closed 1 year ago

gaeldevys commented 1 year ago

Dear all,

I bought my ProfitBase licence with Microsoft login "", and used it normally with my PC.

I changed PC, which is now parametered with another login "". I opened an internet explorer, logged in with my licence login ( and connected to a Power BI using ProfitBase, but the message "purchase a licence" looks like, it doesn't recognize I already bought the licence.

Do you know what process I should follow ?

Thanks a lot

AndersAano commented 1 year ago

Hi @gaeldevys,

You need to be signed in to Power BI with the same user that has a license assigned. Only signing in on the browser should be enough. If you change a selection in a slicer, or swap to different pages, that would normally remove the watermark.

Best regards Anders

gaeldevys commented 1 year ago

Hi Anders


Thank you for your tip : unfortunately, may be I missed something, but as you can see in the "printscreen" attached, I am connected in a browser with "", and I have the licence lock. I can manage with "modify", which gives me only the small 'trademark' in the middle of the chart, but I am surprised.

May be another gesture to fix it ? Best regards

AndersAano commented 1 year ago


Could you select a slot here, and we'll connect on teams to look at it together.

If the licenses is assigned to you, it should not give you the watermark.


AndersAano commented 1 year ago

Or if you try to close the browser and reopen the same report - does that do anything?

gaeldevys commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your advices : the retry doesn't work. I schedule a meeting together next Wednesday.

AndersAano commented 1 year ago

Reason for watermark: Free trial had expired. That's why the watermark started to appear.

Solution: Purchase licenses.

gaeldevys commented 11 months ago

Dear Arno

I warn you a Microsoft Appsource potential issue in “license purchase process”. It happened to me twice: I bought one license, with the offer “first month at zero, then payable” (cf below) It works well and quickly. I received an invoice at 0 €. At the end of the month, the license disappeared, whereas it should be switched into a billable license with the payment and invoice.

May be there is a problem with Appsource or did I do wrong in the process (see below printscreens) ? image image image image

Thank you for your help in advance.

AndersAano commented 11 months ago

Hi @gaeldevys , Thanks for the feedback. I'll try to look into that. It could be that it's set to: Reccuring billing- OFF: image

But I'm not sure. It should at least go to a billed license for the first year.

best regards -Anders

gaeldevys commented 11 months ago

May be, but you are right to inquire with MS because normally the button "on" (recurring billing) is described as a button for license automatic renew (after one year), which is not always the customer wish.

At least finishing the "one year' period would be great! and I am a bit bored for your to benefit from a free license, renewable every month.