Profitbase / PowerBI-visuals-FinancialReportingMatrix

Power BI Custom Visual for Financial Reporting
65 stars 23 forks source link

Known issues from the last release (v7.2.0.4) - currently being fixed #566

Closed AndersAano closed 2 months ago

AndersAano commented 3 months ago

Red screen - Error:Cannot read the properties of undefined (reading 'includes')


Solution steps:

  1. Search for "Outline" in the format pane of the visual
  2. Scroll through and look for any blank fields.
  3. If blanks, select any other option.
  4. Navigate to a different report page, and back again.

That should solve the issue.

Formatting disappearing:

-Error thread:

Solution steps: Same as for red screen:

  1. Search for "Outline" in the format pane of the visual
  2. Scroll through and look for any blank fields in the Styles section.
  3. If blanks, select any other option.

Should now work again.

Export to excel - style issue

Solution (currently working out all nuances):

  1. if font type is set to DIN, change it, as DIN is not supported for export.

Expand rows - in combination with "Apply expansion style" and "Default expand rows" turned on:


  1. Turn off "Apply expansion style" or turn off "Default expand rows" until the next update rolles out.
fjlmarco commented 3 months ago

I works perfectly.

hakiosos commented 3 months ago

Hi Anders and team,

Noticed a bug in our visual (well, the customer did), in how a default added. Appeared in version after this was deployed to AppSource. The problem is an EXISTING row with SUBTOTAL-calculation and default format-value (ie EMPTY), is suddenly showing as %. See screenshot below. Same issue when adding NEW SUBTOTAL-calculation rows with default settings. Yellow markings are existing rows with subtotal-calculations and no format-value set and appearing just as they should. Red markings are the problematic ones showing with a %-formatting/display which they shouldn't.

This is NOT due to the "empty" selections, as we do not have any of them. All is set to None or another value. Been fiddling around quite some time to solve this. Adding a NEW visual and doing the same calculations does NOT reproduce this behaviour. So the existing visual seems partly corrupted in this version.


I see you have the version out, which is not in AppSource yet though. But I cannot see if this bug is fixed in version .6.

Please advice. Would really like not to be forced to recreate the visual from scratch (again, as we have done this a few times earlier due to it being bugged...)