Profitbase / PowerBI-visuals-FinancialReportingMatrix

Power BI Custom Visual for Financial Reporting
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Problems with the February 6 update of the Financial Reporting Matrix by Profitbase visual #569

Open EdXavier92Gordo opened 3 months ago

EdXavier92Gordo commented 3 months ago

Dear Profitbase

We have encountered a problem with the February 6, 2024 update of the Financial Reporting Matrix by Profitbase visual. Our power bi reports that use the visual "Financial Reporting Matrix" have generated some errors, which I need support to solve:

1.- All the blank rows that the report had, disappeared from the object, however when entering the edit mode, it can be verified that they are available in the steps, even though they are not presented in the report.

1).pdf 1)

2.- When downloading the reports in excel, the blank rows are downloaded with the texts "nan" and "0", it should be empty.

2).pdf 2)

3.-When entering the visual objects, there are rows whose formulas have errors, the main problem is that it indicates that the fields that had been selected for the formulas, indicate that they do not exist. 3).pdf 3)

We did not have these problems before the update, please kindly help me with this,

I look forward to your response, thank you very much

Best regards, Edison Chicango

AndersAano commented 3 months ago

Hi @EdXavier92Gordo

Try these steps:

  1. Search for "Outline" in the format pane of the visual (this will return all outline fields)
  2. Scroll through and look for any blank fields.
  3. If blanks, select any other option.

You can see in my screenshot I have a blank outline field under Values Formatting:


Change all blank you find in the option, and set them to something else, or just "none". Then all should work.

Best regards Anders

EdXavier92Gordo commented 3 months ago

thanks for your help. The formatting issue was fixed, but the issue of blank lines still not appearing.

Regarding the other points, I appreciate your response.