Profitbase / PowerBI-visuals-FinancialReportingMatrix

Power BI Custom Visual for Financial Reporting
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Export to Excel, every empty row becomes NaN #571

Closed Mzr4132 closed 9 months ago

Mzr4132 commented 9 months ago


I've noticed that the new version of Profitbase has gone live. I've encountered a similar error as someone in a previous issue : . I get the same error about ''restoring content'' when opening the Excel file. Once I restore the content I get all the formatting correctly except that it fills out every empty row as ''NaN''. Sometimes in my report I have inserted a row for white space, but then it makes every cell in excel there a 'NaN'.

I hope that the promised solution will also take care of this issue.

Kind regards, Michael

AndersAano commented 9 months ago

Hi @Mzr4132, It will.

It's ready now, working on publishing the version - both here and on AppSource.

Thanks for the feedback.

Best regards -Anders

smitpau commented 9 months ago

Thanks Anders appreciate your help getting these bugs sorted. Just to confirm this is still an issue with the currently latest v7.2.06 version.

AndersAano commented 9 months ago

Hi @smitpau,

Thanks for your feedback. Could you check that you have actually imported the last version?


After the version is imported, you need to navigate to a different report page and back again before the version is activated. Then you should be able to export without issues.


smitpau commented 9 months ago

Thanks Anders.

I'm getting mixed messages from PBI!

Says it's updated... image

... But version info remains the same image

Not sure if you might know why this maybe (I have changed pages).

AndersAano commented 9 months ago

That's good news, actually!

In order to test the version, you need to turn on an option in PBI Desktop called "Develop a visual" before.

You can see step-by-step here under "How to test":

smitpau commented 9 months ago

Ah thanks Anders, user error over here.

That's now all working nicely!

AndersAano commented 9 months ago

Glad to hear!

Now, if you want to use the version right away, you need to follow some steps (on the same page as before):

If everything works as expected, you can go ahead and import the .pbiviz to Org.Store and use it in production.

Or you can wait of it to be certified and published by Microsoft, which can take a couple of weeks. It's already been submitted for certification/approval.


Mzr4132 commented 9 months ago

Thank you very much! This solves my issue.