Profitbase / PowerBI-visuals-FinancialReportingMatrix

Power BI Custom Visual for Financial Reporting
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Rows missing in Export to Excel #576

Open travelopstam opened 2 months ago

travelopstam commented 2 months ago

Hi, we have just started looking at the export to excel feature from and have experienced the blank row problems yielding NaN and throwing an error upon open. This seems to be fixed now in which is great.

Remaining for us is an issue where some rows are not exported.


If I remove all the hidden rows it seems to work.

Can you offer some suggestions please.

Cheers. T

AndersAano commented 2 months ago

Thanks for reporting this @travelopstam,

We're looking into it.


aaadamt commented 1 month ago

@AndersAano @travelopstam

I'm having the same issue - once I hide a row, I will not see it when I download to excel :( would be great to have some control over it.
