ProgerXP / Notepad2e

Word highlighting, simultaneous editing, split views, math evaluation, un/grep, comment reformatting, UAC elevation, complete regexps (PCRE), Lua lexers, DPI awareness and more (XP+)
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Enable Triple-Click Line Selections (disable training wheels) #486

Open BusyConcept opened 2 months ago

BusyConcept commented 2 months ago

I read the note about Triple-Click Line Selection being disabled due to their "accidental nature". I'm not sure what kind of unskilled coders you know, but I don't know any coder who needs these kind of training wheels on a Text Editor. Seriously, if someone needs to be protected from using a triple-click line select, they should probably find a new profession/hobby. No other developer who has forked this project is doing this. Please reverse this change.

ProgerXP commented 2 months ago

I'm not sure what kind of unskilled coders you know

Yours truly. I sometimes find myself doing another click when I think the first didn't register, and I realize it did only after I've pressed the button for the 3rd time. This is frustrating and similar to how we've disabled Alt (#399) - when you "speculatively" think in advance and that action turns out to be unnecessary but undoing its effect is tedious.

Just checking, you know that clicking on the gutter as well as Ctrl+Shift+Space (if you prefer the keyboard) does the same thing, right? Unlike the triple click (which I do use in other apps), they don't have the problem I describe.

Are you a user of Notepad 2e specifically?

Related: #313