ProgrammeVitam / vitam

Digital Archives Management System developped by French government/Programme interministériel archives numériques ; core system.
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1
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installation vitam 5.0 poste de dev #142

Open kordyx opened 2 years ago

kordyx commented 2 years ago


J'ai installé avec succès une version VITAM 5.0 en mode poc avec 3 serveurs + 1 serveur pivot. Maintenant je test l'installation poste développement mais je n'arrive pas à finaliser l'installation.

1) Lorsque je lance le script : vitam-conf-dev/scripts/ cela génére un fichier .npmrc.

et lors du lancement de dev-deployment/ il recherche a monter un répertoire. Using vitam target : rpm-cots Starting existing container (if stopped) ; please wait... Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: error during container init: error mounting "/home/vagrant/.npmrc" to rootfs at "/devhome/.npmrc": mount /home/vagrant/.npmrc:/devhome/.npmrc (via /proc/self/fd/6), flags: 0x5000: not a directory: unknown: Are you trying to mount a directory onto a file (or vice-versa)? Check if the specified host path exists and is the expected type

2) Je n'ai aucune erreur sur les taches vitam-build-repo et vitam-deploy-cots. par contre lorsque je lance le script j'ai des connections refused sur les 2 services.
Y a t il autre chose a configurer ? qui ne serait pas décris dans la documentation


vbdockers commented 2 years ago


Looking at the scripts, it might be a docker issue - did you check that the process before is actually making a file .npmrc and not a folder? Is docker able to access the file?

If so delete the folder .npmrc and try using a different docker version.

Other possible cause could be if your setup is not a barebone/physical machine but a virtual one and not configured properly to run containers.

Here are some things you can check although they are based on windows environment:

TDevillechabrolle commented 2 years ago

L'aide ci-dessus a-t-elle pu vous dépanner ?