I unmounted /var/lib/buildbot, removed the mountpoint and lvremoved the device -- but forgot to update /etc/pov/check-health. I get these errors:
+ checkfs /var/lib/buildbot 1g
df: `/var/lib/buildbot': No such file or directory
df: no file systems processed
couldn't figure out free space in /var/lib/buildbot
+ checkinodes /var/lib/buildbot
df: `/var/lib/buildbot': No such file or directory
df: no file systems processed
/usr/sbin/check-health: 161: [: Illegal number:
The checkfs is fine; the checkinodes ought to be similar.
I unmounted /var/lib/buildbot, removed the mountpoint and lvremoved the device -- but forgot to update /etc/pov/check-health. I get these errors:
The checkfs is fine; the checkinodes ought to be similar.