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Create list of topics to bag #10

Closed javatechs closed 7 years ago

javatechs commented 7 years ago

Create list of topics to bag. See attached list as baseline. b4_rostopiclist.txt

kennethjiang commented 7 years ago

I guess I need input from everyone who has written code to subscribe/publish messages to send me a list of topics their code makes use of. What's the best way to go about it? @javatechs

javatechs commented 7 years ago

@kenneth the attachment b4_rostopiclist.txt already contains the list of topics.

kennethjiang commented 7 years ago

I thought the txt file is the list of all the topics. No? What am I supposed to do here?

javatechs commented 7 years ago

From the list of topics, select the ones you'd like bagged.

kennethjiang commented 7 years ago

Well I was hoping everyone who has written code to subscribe/publish messages can send me a list of topics they are using, so that I can construct the proper rosbag command to capture the right messages. That way I will be able to debug the code without having physical access to the bot.

But that's fine. It looks like I won't have too much time to dig into the code anyway. let's just close this ticket unless you find it useful in anyway that I didn't anticipate.