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Move webmail@spikkjeposche to webmail@bekkalokk #68

Closed h7x4 closed 2 months ago

h7x4 commented 10 months ago

Spikkjeposche currently hosts 4 webmail sites. We should setup hosting for new webmail clients, to remove the ones at spikkjeposche. Currently, we're aiming to set up Snappymail and Roundcube, as these seem reasonably updated. Roundcube has an existing NixOS module, while Snappymail only has a package, currently unstable.

Remember to update the wiki!

dali99 commented 10 months ago

Don't these webmail clients do some crazy local auth things? This might be blocked on a PAM module and login support for boxes.

This might also mean they shouldn't be on bekkalokk

h7x4 commented 2 months ago

Moved to bekkalokk