ProgressNS / nativescript-ui-feedback

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RadlistView error in loadMoreDataRequested #1025

Open vahidvdn opened 5 years ago

vahidvdn commented 5 years ago

Hi. I confront with an error in loadMoreDataRequested event. I have a very simple RadlistView as following:

<GridLayout style="background-color: #e6e6e6">

    <RadListView #myRadListView loadOnDemandMode="Auto" loadOnDemandBufferSize="8" 
        (loadMoreDataRequested)="onLoadMoreItemsRequested3($event)" [items]="items" 
        pullToRefresh="true" (pullToRefreshInitiated)="onPullToRefreshInitiated($event)" 

        <ng-template let-item="item" let-i="index">
                <Label [text]="item.post_date" class="discription" [nsRouterLink]="['../item', 5]"></Label>
                <FrescoDrawee verticalAlignment="center"  aspectRatio="1"  [imageUri]="''+item.post_picture"></FrescoDrawee>

I have a json and want to render them in list view. Everything works fine when I load whole json in list view. But when I want to use loadMoreDataRequested I get the following errors: (No matter what is the code into this function, I get these errors)

JS: ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'post_date' of undefined
JS:   "view": {
JS:     "def": {
JS:       "nodeFlags": 16417,
JS:       "rootNodeFlags": 1,
JS:       "nodeMatchedQueries": 0,
JS:       "flags": 0,
JS:       "nodes": [
JS:         {
JS:           "nodeIndex": 0,
JS:           "parent": null,
JS:           "renderParent": null,
JS:           "bindingIndex": 0,
JS:           "outputIndex": 0,
JS:           "checkIndex": 0,
JS:           "flags": 1,
JS:           "childFlags": 16417,
JS:           "directChildFlags": 1,
JS:           "childMatchedQueries": 0,
JS:           "matchedQueries": {},
JS:           "matchedQueryIds": 0,
JS:           "references": {},
JS:           "ngContentIndex": null,
JS:           "childCount": 4,
JS:           "bindings": [],
JS:           "bindingFlags": 0,
JS:           "outputs": [],
JS:           "element": {
JS:             "ns": "",
JS:             "name": "StackLayout",
JS:             "attrs": [],
JS:             "template": null,
JS:             "componentProvider": null,
JS:             "componentView": null,
JS:             "componentRendererType": null,
JS:             "publicProviders": {},
JS:             "allProviders": "[Circular]"
JS:     ...

Here is my onLoadMoreItemsRequested function: (As I mentioned just a simple log without these operations lead to mentioned errors as well)

onLoadMoreItemsRequested(args) {
  const listView = args.object;
  setTimeout(() => {
  }, 3000);
vahidvdn commented 5 years ago

This error also occurs when app is initialized or when I start to scroll (without loadMoreDataRequested has been firing) with load on demand mood.

vahidvdn commented 5 years ago

As mentioned by someone in slack channel, I must use async loading as following:

<Label [text]="item?.post_date"></Label>

I don't know why this happens and there is nothing about it in docs.

vahidvdn commented 5 years ago

Actually after adding some other property (ie: width and height of image) and after some loading onLoadMoreItemsRequested function, I get another error and app stops for a few seconds:

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'unit' of null

For now going to reopen this.