ProgressNS / nativescript-ui-feedback

This repository is used for customer feedback regarding Telerik UI for NativeScript. The issues system here is used by customers who want to submit their feature requests or vote for existing ones.
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Strange colors on IOS and I'm unable to change it #1232

Open andreabbondanza opened 5 years ago

andreabbondanza commented 5 years ago

Strange colors on ios

Tell us about the problem

On IOS events have a strange colors pattern, a black background with a semi-black foreground. You can see it on the screenshot attached.

Which platform(s) does your issue occur on?

The problem is on IOS

Please provide the following version numbers that your issue occurs with:

Please tell us how to recreate the issue in as much detail as possible.

Just add some events to the calendar

Is there code involved? If so, please share the minimal amount of code needed to recreate the problem.

<Page class="page app-page" actionBarHidden="true" xmlns:rc="nativescript-ui-calendar" navigatingTo="onNavigatingTo" xmlns="">
    <GridLayout id="container" class=" q-orange-bk" rows="auto, *, auto">
        <GridLayout class="bar q-orange-bk" columns="*, auto">
            <Label text="Ernesto Carriage" class="bar-title"></Label>
            <Label col="1" text="&#xea7d;" class="ico bar-icon"></Label>
        <GridLayout row="1">
            <rc:RadCalendar id="calendar" viewMode="Day" locale="it-IT" eventSource="{{DayEvents}}">
                    <rc:CalendarDayViewStyle style="color:white" showTitle="true" showWeekNumbers="true" showDayNames="true">
                            <rc:DayEventsViewStyle backgroundColor="whitesmoke" timeLabelFormat="HH:mm" timeLabelTextColor="#999" timeLabelTextSize="12" />
        <ScrollView row="2" orientation="horizontal">
            <StackLayout orientation="horizontal" row="2" class="employee-bar">
                <!-- test purpose -->
                <Image src="res://photo" stretch="aspectFill" class="employee-item" />
                <Image src="res://photo" stretch="aspectFill" class="employee-item" />
                <Image src="res://photo" stretch="aspectFill" class="employee-item" />
                <Image src="res://photo" stretch="aspectFill" class="employee-item" />
                <Image src="res://photo" stretch="aspectFill" class="employee-item" />
                <Image src="res://photo" stretch="aspectFill" class="employee-item" />
                <Image src="res://photo" stretch="aspectFill" class="employee-item" />
                <Image src="res://photo" stretch="aspectFill" class="employee-item" />

NOTE: Even if I apply the demo state from nativescript docs all colors change but not events Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 6 - 2019-09-16 at 16 29 26