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PieSeries shows only stroke color when one value is 100% of total #1318

Open VukMNE opened 4 years ago

VukMNE commented 4 years ago

I am experiencing a strange behaviour of RadPieChart and PieSeries.

PieSeries is showing only a thin line when one value represents 100% of total.

If my description is not clear, bellow are images to illustrate the problem I am facing. First image shows regular behaviour of PieSeries, and the second one shows the problematic

Image 1 Chart 1 works alright

behaviour. Image 2 Chart 2 is the problem

The code for both charts is identical. These charts are dynamic, and they display different data regarding the parameters user typed in. However, bellow is the code for both charts.

<RadPieChart *ngIf="!noDataFound" tkExampleTitle tkToggleNavButton minHeight="200" allowAnimation="true" row="0">
        <PieSeries tkPieSeries
            <PointLabelStyle tkPieLabelStyle margin="15" textFormat="%.2f €"></PointLabelStyle>
        <Palette tkPiePalette seriesName="collectPie">
            <PaletteEntry tkPiePaletteEntry fillColor="#1B998B" strokeColor="#1B998B"></PaletteEntry>
            <PaletteEntry tkPiePaletteEntry fillColor="#97C8EB" strokeColor="#97C8EB"></PaletteEntry>
            <PaletteEntry tkPiePaletteEntry fillColor="#001F54" strokeColor="#001F54"></PaletteEntry>
            <PaletteEntry tkPiePaletteEntry fillColor="#2B193D" strokeColor="#2B193D"></PaletteEntry>
            <PaletteEntry tkPiePaletteEntry fillColor="#484D6D" strokeColor="#484D6D"></PaletteEntry>
            <PaletteEntry tkPiePaletteEntry fillColor="#2C365E" strokeColor="#2C365E"></PaletteEntry>

        <RadLegendView tkPieLegend position="Top" width="100%"></RadLegendView>

And here is for the other chart

<RadPieChart *ngIf="!noDataFound" tkExampleTitle tkToggleNavButton minHeight="200" allowAnimation="true" row="0">
        <PieSeries tkPieSeries
            <PointLabelStyle tkPieLabelStyle margin="15" textFormat="%.2f €"></PointLabelStyle>
        <Palette tkPiePalette seriesName="collectPie">
            <PaletteEntry tkPiePaletteEntry fillColor="#1B998B" strokeColor="#1B998B"></PaletteEntry>
            <PaletteEntry tkPiePaletteEntry fillColor="#97C8EB" strokeColor="#97C8EB"></PaletteEntry>
            <PaletteEntry tkPiePaletteEntry fillColor="#001F54" strokeColor="#001F54"></PaletteEntry>
            <PaletteEntry tkPiePaletteEntry fillColor="#2B193D" strokeColor="#2B193D"></PaletteEntry>
            <PaletteEntry tkPiePaletteEntry fillColor="#484D6D" strokeColor="#484D6D"></PaletteEntry>
            <PaletteEntry tkPiePaletteEntry fillColor="#2C365E" strokeColor="#2C365E"></PaletteEntry>

        <RadLegendView tkPieLegend position="Top" width="100%"></RadLegendView>

If I am missing something, please let me know. I tried searching for a solution on stack overflow, but I couldn't find anything similar.

tommaso-sebastianelli commented 4 years ago

Same issue for me.

Here's my template:

 <RadPieChart [@pop]="chartPop" allowAnimation="true">
            <DonutSeries *ngFor="let c of categories" tkPieSeries seriesName="customPalette"
                        selectionMode="none" expandRadius="0.4" outerRadiusFactor="0.8" innerRadiusFactor="0.4"
                        valueProperty="amount" legendLabel="name" [items]="source">
            <Palette tkPiePalette seriesName="customPalette">
                    <PaletteEntry *ngFor="let c of categories" tkPiePaletteEntry strokeWidth="0"

Woring smoothly when source has 2+ items.

NickIliev commented 4 years ago

@VukMNE @tommaso-sebastianelli confirming that the issue is reproducible on my side - it looks like a bug in the PieChart series.

Steps to reproduce the bug - use this Playground demo and notice the behavior when one of the items is represented with a hundred percent of the values (and the other is 0)

You could try as a workaround to replace the 0 value with some really really small value behind the decimal point (e.g., in this case, a 0.0001 does the trick)

tommaso-sebastianelli commented 4 years ago

@NickIliev thank you, the preview is working fine. I will go for it in my project too.

VukMNE commented 4 years ago

@NickIliev Thank you for your response, and for dedicating your time for solving this issue. However, the workaround with adding a very small value ( something like 0.0001) is not very convenient if you choose to display labels.

mytc commented 3 years ago

@NickIliev Do you find any solution for this? This is already 1 year old bug, still not fixed yet? I tried with small value, but it will add a line in across the chart.