ProgressNS / nativescript-ui-feedback

This repository is used for customer feedback regarding Telerik UI for NativeScript. The issues system here is used by customers who want to submit their feature requests or vote for existing ones.
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Radlistview has fixed padded area when inside of another Radlistview #1436

Open bhcuong2008 opened 4 years ago

bhcuong2008 commented 4 years ago


Please take a minute to read our NativeScript Code of Conduct before proceeding with posting issues or discussing. The purpose of this guide is to make communication and cooperation within our forums a pleasure for you and the other members.

Please, provide the details below:

Tell us about the problem

Radlistview has fixed padded area when inside another Radlistview, theme core V2 only, Angular app. With theme V1, it not occur.

Which platform(s) does your issue occur on?

Android API 21, 27, 28. iOS not tested

Please provide the following version numbers that your issue occurs with:

Please tell us how to recreate the issue in as much detail as possible.

  1. define variable array "requests"
  2. Each element of requests, it's an object with array variable "vars"

Is there code involved? If so, please share the minimal amount of code needed to recreate the problem.

This is the minimal xml code to re-produce the issue. Second Radlistview always has fixed padded area (2nd line in the attached image). If number of elements is larger than this fixed area, then it displays ok, as it is (1st line in the attached image).

<RadListView #lvMasterRuntime row="1" [items]="requests">
    <ng-template tkListItemTemplate let-item="item" let-i="index">           
        <GridLayout rows="auto,auto" columns="*,*,*,*,*">

            <RadListView row="1" col="1" colspan="3" [items]="item.vars" style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 240); border-color: #bfbfbf; border-width: 1px; border-radius: 10 10 0 0; padding-bottom: 0;">            
                <ng-template tkListItemTemplate let-rvar="item" let-i="index">           
                    <GridLayout rows="auto" columns="*,*,*" class="text-center" style="border-bottom-color: #e6e6e6; border-bottom-width: 0.5;">

                        <Label row="0" col="0" text="Text1"></Label>
                        <Label row="0" col="1" text="Text2"></Label>                                 
                        <Label row="0" col="2" text="Text3"></Label>                 
