ProgressNS / nativescript-ui-feedback

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Change dateFormat datePicker dataform #348

Open bnbs opened 6 years ago

bnbs commented 6 years ago

I want to display the data from datePicker as 'dd/MM/yyyy'. How can I do that in dataform?

tsonevn commented 6 years ago

Hi @brunaaanayara, Thank you for contacting us. Changing the dateFormat for the RadDataForm's datePicker editor is not supported. Regarding that, I logged this issue as a new feature request.

In the meantime, I would suggest changing the format while accessing the native part of the editor on Page navigated event. For example:


<Page navigatedTo="navigated" loaded="onPageLoaded" xmlns:df="nativescript-pro-ui/dataform" xmlns="">
    <GridLayout rows="100 *" columns="">
        <Label text="Test" textWrap="true" />

    <df:RadDataForm row="1"  id="myDataForm" source="{{ ticketOrder }}" propertyCommitted="dfPropertyCommitted">
            <df:EntityProperty name="movie" displayName="Movie Name" index="0" converter="{{ $value }}" valuesProvider="{{ movieNames }}">
                    <df:PropertyEditor type="Picker" />
            <df:EntityProperty name="date" index="1" >
                    <df:PropertyEditor type="DatePicker" />



import viewModel = require("./../view-models/ticket-order-model");
import {RadDataForm, EntityProperty} from "nativescript-pro-ui/dataform";
import {isIOS, isAndroid} from "platform";
import {Page} from "ui/page";
declare var NSDateFormatter:any;
declare var java:any;
export function onPageLoaded(args) {
    var page = args.object;
    page.bindingContext = new viewModel.TicketViewModel();

export function dfPropertyCommitted(args) {
    var text = "LastEvent: " + args.propertyName + " property committed";

export function navigated(args){
    var page:Page = <Page>args.object;
    let component:RadDataForm = <RadDataForm>page.getViewById("myDataForm");
    let entity:EntityProperty = component.getPropertyByName("date");
        var dateFormatter = NSDateFormatter.alloc().init();
        dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MM-yyyy-dd";
        entity.editor.ios.dateFormatter = dateFormatter;
        var simpleDateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy", java.util.Locale.US);;
terreb commented 6 years ago

+1 to implement this. The default date format is pretty ugly: for "April 2, 2017" it shows "Sun, 02.04".

otnielgomez commented 6 years ago


yonghongren commented 6 years ago

Hi @tsonevn, What would be the equivalent of your workaround for NativeScript Angular? I tried to do this in AfterViewInit like this:

  @ViewChild('form') patientForm: RadDataFormComponent;

ngAfterViewInit() {
        const dobProperty = this.patientForm.dataForm.getPropertyByName('dob');
        if (isIOS) {
        } else {
            const simpleDateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(

            // PROBLEM: is null

The template looks like this:

<RadDataForm  #form>
         <TKEntityProperty tkPropertyGroupProperties name="dob" displayName="DOB">
            <TKPropertyEditor tkEntityPropertyEditor type="DatePicker"></TKPropertyEditor>

It didn't work because is null. Any idea why? Appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.

otnielgomez commented 6 years ago

@yonghongren here is your answer, actually is in the samples, check how it's forming the date like "yyyy-MM-dd"

yonghongren commented 6 years ago

Hi Otniel,

That is so much simpler! Thank you very much.

PieterHartzer commented 5 years ago

That link that @otnielgomez provided is no longer available. I am having the same issue trying Vue and cannot get the workaround to work. Any update on this issue?

tgpetrov commented 5 years ago

@PieterHartzer The feature is not yet implemented, but the workaround is quite easy to use. Here are the current links for demo and demo-angular.

PieterHartzer commented 5 years ago

@tgpetrov That's great, thanks! I am not having any luck however. I get setDateFormat is not a function.

I even tried the following code, which find the function but fails with the same error:

for (var m in args.editor) {
  if (typeof args.editor[m] == "function" && m == "setDateFormat") {

Example here

wildhart commented 5 years ago

@PieterHartzer Your code above will work if you replace m(simpleDateFormat) with args.editor[m](simpleDateFormat)

The reason it wasn't working is that the onEditorUpdate function is called twice and the first time args.editor.setDateFormat is undefined. Try this:

 if (typeof args.editor.setDateFormat != "undefined") {
    const simpleDateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", java.util.Locale.US);
PieterHartzer commented 5 years ago

@wildhart That's great! Seeing your code makes me wonder how I never noticed it. Thank you.

Whip commented 4 years ago

Simplified plain javascript example

const dataForm = page.getViewById("myDataForm");
let entity = dataForm.getPropertyByName("date");
    var simpleDateFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd", java.util.Locale.US);;
Jogendra1234 commented 3 years ago

Can you please share date globalization as per cultureinfo in nativescript 7?