ProgressNS / nativescript-ui-feedback

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RadListView slow multipleSelection #865

Open webleaf opened 5 years ago

webleaf commented 5 years ago

If you try fast tapping on items one by one, not all tapped items will be selected. If implement multiple selection via core ListView (like it done in Examples NativeScript app it works much faster.

tsonevn commented 5 years ago

Hi @webleaf The Examples NativeScript app does not use the latest version of nativescript-ui-listview. Can you check if you are facing the same issue with nativescript-ui-samples? I tested it on my side, and the RadListView works as expected while using multiple-selections option. screencast 2018-10-08 at 8 47 37 am

It will help if you provide more info about the device, which you are using for testing and its API level.

webleaf commented 5 years ago

@tsonevn The Examples NativeScript app does not use nativescript-ui-listview. It use core (code is here). I mentioned this, to be able to compare how fast work <ListView> and how slow work RadListView (on the same device!). Was tested on Samsung Galaxy A3 (2017) (Android 7.0) and on Meizu M2 (Android 5.1)

What happens on gif №1: It's multiple selection sample from nativescript-ui-samples. I try fast select 3 items one by one, but second was not selected. Then I unselect selected items and try it one more time. At the end of the video I tap on one item to show how quickly it can trigger mvi_1806_mov

What happens on gif №2: It just my layout of RadListView (higher items are more usable/ergonomic). All same as in nativescript-ui-samples. First of all I slowly select items one by one and it works. Then I try to select items faster, but items selects only one after one. mvi_1805_mov

What happens on gif №3: It's implementation of multiple selection based on core <ListView> (like it done in Examples NativeScript app). Works much faster mvi_1795_mov

On video Samsung Galaxy A3 (2017) (Android 7.0). nativescript-ui-listview@3.7.1 and tns-core-modules@4.2.1