ProgressNS / sidekick-feedback

This repository is for feedback regarding NativeScript Sidekick. Use the issues system here to submit feature requests or vote for existing ones.
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[ERROR] Executing webpack failed with exit code 2 #419

Open Izrab opened 5 years ago

Izrab commented 5 years ago

Please, provide the details below:

Did you verify whether this issue has already been reported here?


Tell us about the problem

I'm trying to build my app in cloud for my Android device using NativeScript Sidekick, I also tried removing platforms, .cloud, and node_modules folders, but no avail. I get the following error message

[19-08-31 16:37:00.069] Error detected during LiveSync on for C:\Users\Bridge\Desktop\Vessel\souq366. Error: Build failed. Reason is: 'Build failed with error code 2'. Additional information: [00:00:21.931] [WARN] Executing webpack failed with exit code 2. [00:00:22.103] [ERROR] Executing webpack failed with exit code 2. 'Build failed with error code 2'. [19-08-31 16:37:00.077] Couldn't enable debugging for, Error: Couldn't enable debugging for at (C:\Users\Bridge\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript\lib\common\errors.js:126:28) at Errors.failWithoutHelp (C:\Users\Bridge\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript\lib\common\errors.js:136:21) at DebugController. (C:\Users\Bridge\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript\lib\controllers\debug-controller.js:116:30) at () at C:\Users\Bridge\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript\lib\controllers\debug-controller.js:13:71 at new Promise () at __awaiter (C:\Users\Bridge\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript\lib\controllers\debug-controller.js:9:12) at DebugController.enableDebuggingCoreWithoutWaitingCurrentAction (C:\Users\Bridge\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript\lib\controllers\debug-controller.js:113:16) at DebugController.enableDebuggingCoreWithoutWaitingCurrentAction (C:\Users\Bridge\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript\lib\common\decorators.js:67:47) at DebugController. (C:\Users\Bridge\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript\lib\controllers\debug-controller.js:209:25) at () at fulfilled (C:\Users\Bridge\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript\lib\controllers\debug-controller.js:10:58) at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

here is my package.json file for information about the plugins I use

  "nativescript": {
    "id": "com.souq366.buyerapp",
    "tns-android": {
      "version": "6.0.2"
    "tns-ios": {
      "version": "6.0.2"
  "description": "NativeScript Application",
  "license": "SEE LICENSE IN <your-license-filename>",
  "repository": "<fill-your-repository-here>",
  "dependencies": {
    "apollo-client": "2.6.4",
    "nativescript-apple-sign-in": "1.0.0",
    "nativescript-bottom-navigation": "2.0.3",
    "nativescript-carousel": "6.1.0",
    "nativescript-cognito": "1.1.3-alpha",
    "nativescript-geolocation": "5.1.0",
    "nativescript-inappbrowser": "2.0.0",
    "nativescript-lottie": "4.0.0",
    "nativescript-permissions": "1.3.7",
    "nativescript-picker": "2.1.2",
    "nativescript-plugin-firebase": "9.1.1",
    "nativescript-theme-core": "2.0.8",
    "nativescript-ui-autocomplete": "5.1.0",
    "nativescript-ui-dataform": "5.0.0",
    "nativescript-ui-listview": "7.0.4",
    "nativescript-ui-sidedrawer": "7.0.0",
    "tns-core-modules": "6.0.7"
  "devDependencies": {
    "nativescript-dev-webpack": "1.1.1",
    "typescript": "3.6.2"
  "gitHead": "42f2a6a9c94eaf9c68d2a41e0daaa1a2544bc28f",
  "readme": "NativeScript Application"

Which platform(s) does the issue occur on?

_Android 9 Windows 10

Provide the following version numbers that the issue occurs with:


Does this issue happen every time?


Send the client logs

main_19-08-31_19-28-23.267.log console_19-08-31_19-28-19.453.log

tsonevn commented 5 years ago

Hi @Izrab, Can you try to clear up again the project by deleting platforms, .cloud, node_modules as well as hooks, package-lock.json and webpack.config.js? Then try to rebuild the project and check if the issue will be still reproducible.


From the provided log, it seems that this problem also might be caused by an incorrect setup of activeColor and inactiveColor properties for the component provided by the nativescript-bottom-navigation. Those properties expect string value instead of object of type Color. Check out the plugin's readme.