ProgressNS / sidekick-feedback

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IOS Cloud build hangs/Circular JSON error #60

Closed connorsleight closed 6 years ago

connorsleight commented 6 years ago

Please, provide the details below:

Did you verify whether this issue has already been reported here?


Tell us about the problem.

IOS cloud, clean, release build doesn't want to build the app. I do not get told via the sidekick console but i do in the cli log in %AppData%\Roaming\NativeScriptSidekick\Logs

I also believe that the cli log should also be visible in the command line within sidekick?

Which platform(s) does the issue occur on?

iOS Windows

Provide the following version numbers that the issue occurs with:

Tell us how to recreate the issue in as much detail as possible.

  1. Add an app to sidekick.
  2. Add the .p12 and provisioning profile
  3. Enter the .p12 password
  4. Select Cloud, Clean, Release and then build the app

Does this issue happen every time?


Send the client logs.

cli log: Using NativeScript CLI located in C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\nativescript Searching for devices... Starting cloud build of 'C:\Users\sle22c22\Documents\NativeScriptApps\SMPO', platform: 'iOS', configuration: 'Release', buildId: 97cf138c-2bc8-49e4-81fc-b5fc96b2c24e. (node:7932) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 2): TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON

tsvetie commented 6 years ago

@mast3rd3mon, we have identified that the CLI logs should be visible in Sidekick console as well, so this will happen at some point.

Now, regarding the problem you have - the error that you posted is the second error. Basically, the build fails with an error and we fail to print it in Sidekick console. The error you report is the failed printing, not the reason why your build fails. If you send us the whole log files, we will be able to tell you more about the reason your build fails. Until then, I will check the second error - why we fail to print the error in Sidekick.

connorsleight commented 6 years ago

which other .log files do you require?

tsvetie commented 6 years ago

The best option is to delete all .log files, start Sidekick, reproduce the problem and then send us the cli and main log files that were created - there should be a cli, main, fsw and console log files.

connorsleight commented 6 years ago


Searching for devices...
Starting cloud build of 'C:\Users\sle22c22\Documents\NativeScriptApps\SMPO', platform: 'iOS', configuration: 'Release', buildId: e586956a-dd2e-49bd-8a97-80983cd6c46c.
(node:1704) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 2): TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON

FSW: (It's blank!)


[17-10-10 11:40:07.099] (Info) - No value provided
[17-10-10 11:40:07.266] (Info) - No value provided
[17-10-10 11:40:07.277] (Info) - {"eventName":"checking-for-update","message":"Checking for updates..."}
[17-10-10 11:40:07.303] (Info) - {"platform":"iOS","buildType":"Cloud Build","buildConfig":"Release","emulatorDevice":null}
[17-10-10 11:40:07.322] (Info) - {"ios":{"all":{"certificate":"C:\\Users\\sle22c22\\Documents\\IOS Deployment\\Certificate.p12","provision":"C:\\Users\\sle22c22\\Documents\\IOS Deployment\\SMDistribution.mobileprovision"}},"android":{}}
[17-10-10 11:40:07.341] (Info) - {"countries":[{"text":"Afghanistan","value":"AF"},{"text":"Albania","value":"AL"},{"text":"Algeria","value":"DZ"},{"text":"American Samoa","value":"AS"},{"text":"Andorra","value":"AD"},{"text":"Angola","value":"AO"},{"text":"Anguilla","value":"AI"},{"text":"Antarctica","value":"AQ"},{"text":"Antigua and Barbuda","value":"AG"},{"text":"Argentina","value":"AR"},{"text":"Armenia","value":"AM"},{"text":"Aruba","value":"AW"},{"text":"Australia","value":"AU"},{"text":"Austria","value":"AT"},{"text":"Azerbaijan","value":"AZ"},{"text":"Bahamas","value":"BS"},{"text":"Bahrain","value":"BH"},{"text":"Bangladesh","value":"BD"},{"text":"Barbados","value":"BB"},{"text":"Belarus","value":"BY"},{"text":"Belgium","value":"BE"},{"text":"Belize","value":"BZ"},{"text":"Benin","value":"BJ"},{"text":"Bermuda","value":"BM"},{"text":"Bhutan","value":"BT"},{"text":"Bolivia","value":"BO"},{"text":"Bosnia and Herzegovina","value":"BA"},{"text":"Botswana","value":"BW"},{"text":"Bouvet Island","value":"BV"},{"text":"Brazil","value":"BR"},{"text":"British Indian Ocean Territory","value":"IO"},{"text":"Brunei","value":"BN"},{"text":"Bulgaria","value":"BG"},{"text":"Burkina Faso","value":"BF"},{"text":"Burundi","value":"BI"},{"text":"Cambodia","value":"KH"},{"text":"Cameroon","value":"CM"},{"text":"Canada","value":"CA"},{"text":"Cape Verde","value":"CV"},{"text":"Cayman Islands","value":"KY"},{"text":"Central African Republic","value":"CF"},{"text":"Chad","value":"TD"},{"text":"Chile","value":"CL"},{"text":"China","value":"CN"},{"text":"Christmas Island","value":"CX"},{"text":"Cocos (Keeling) Islands","value":"CC"},{"text":"Colombia","value":"CO"},{"text":"Comoros","value":"KM"},{"text":"Congo","value":"CG"},{"text":"Congo, The Democratic Republic of the","value":"CD"},{"text":"Cook Islands","value":"CK"},{"text":"Costa Rica","value":"CR"},{"text":"Croatia","value":"HR"},{"text":"Cuba","value":"CU"},{"text":"Cyprus","value":"CY"},{"text":"Czech Republic","value":"CZ"},{"text":"Denmark","value":"DK"},{"text":"Djibouti","value":"DJ"},{"text":"Dominica","value":"DM"},{"text":"Dominican Republic","value":"DO"},{"text":"East Timor","value":"TP"},{"text":"Ecuador","value":"EC"},{"text":"Egypt","value":"EG"},{"text":"El Salvador","value":"SV"},{"text":"Equatorial Guinea","value":"GQ"},{"text":"Eritrea","value":"ER"},{"text":"Estonia","value":"EE"},{"text":"Ethiopia","value":"ET"},{"text":"Falkland Islands","value":"FK"},{"text":"Faroe Islands","value":"FO"},{"text":"Fiji Islands","value":"FJ"},{"text":"Finland","value":"FI"},{"text":"France","value":"FR"},{"text":"French Guiana","value":"GF"},{"text":"French Polynesia","value":"PF"},{"text":"French Southern territories","value":"TF"},{"text":"Gabon","value":"GA"},{"text":"Gambia","value":"GM"},{"text":"Georgia","value":"GE"},{"text":"Germany","value":"DE"},{"text":"Ghana","value":"GH"},{"text":"Gibraltar","value":"GI"},{"text":"Greece","value":"GR"},{"text":"Greenland","value":"GL"},{"text":"Grenada","value":"GD"},{"text":"Guadeloupe","value":"GP"},{"text":"Guam","value":"GU"},{"text":"Guatemala","value":"GT"},{"text":"Guinea","value":"GN"},{"text":"Guinea-Bissau","value":"GW"},{"text":"Guyana","value":"GY"},{"text":"Haiti","value":"HT"},{"text":"Heard Island and McDonald Islands","value":"HM"},{"text":"Holy See (Vatican City State)","value":"VA"},{"text":"Honduras","value":"HN"},{"text":"Hong 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Tobago","value":"TT"},{"text":"Tunisia","value":"TN"},{"text":"Turkey","value":"TR"},{"text":"Turkmenistan","value":"TM"},{"text":"Turks and Caicos Islands","value":"TC"},{"text":"Tuvalu","value":"TV"},{"text":"Uganda","value":"UG"},{"text":"Ukraine","value":"UA"},{"text":"United Arab Emirates","value":"AE"},{"text":"United Kingdom","value":"GB"},{"text":"United States","value":"US"},{"text":"United States Minor Outlying Islands","value":"UM"},{"text":"Uruguay","value":"UY"},{"text":"Uzbekistan","value":"UZ"},{"text":"Vanuatu","value":"VU"},{"text":"Venezuela","value":"VE"},{"text":"Vietnam","value":"VN"},{"text":"Virgin Islands,British","value":"VG"},{"text":"Virgin Islands,U.S.","value":"VI"},{"text":"Wallis and Futuna","value":"WF"},{"text":"Western Sahara","value":"EH"},{"text":"Yemen","value":"YE"},{"text":"Yugoslavia","value":"YU"},{"text":"Zambia","value":"ZM"},{"text":"Zimbabwe","value":"ZW"}]}
[17-10-10 11:40:07.343] (Info) - {}
[17-10-10 11:40:07.354] (Info) - {"appDirectory":""}
[17-10-10 11:40:07.730] (Info) - {"recentAppsList":[{"appName":"SMPO","appDirectory":"C:\\Users\\sle22c22\\Documents\\NativeScriptApps","appPath":"C:\\Users\\sle22c22\\Documents\\NativeScriptApps\\SMPO","description":"NativeScript Application"}]}
[17-10-10 11:40:19.550] (Info) ab.buildDeploy.ui.pendingRequests - No value provided
[17-10-10 11:40:23.172] (Info) - {"eventName":"update-not-available","message":"No updates available."}
[17-10-10 11:40:27.103] (Info) - {"node":{"name":"NodeJS","version":"6.11.3","minVersion":"6.0.0","isMet":true},"npm":{"name":"npm","version":"3.10.10","isMet":true},"tns":{"name":"NativeScript CLI","version":"3.2.1","minVersion":"3.2.1","isMet":true}}
[17-10-10 11:40:30.830] (Info) - {"extensionName":"nativescript-cloud","extensionVersion":"0.13.0"}
[17-10-10 11:40:30.832] (Info) - {"extensionName":"nativescript-starter-kits","extensionVersion":"0.1.16"}
[17-10-10 11:40:30.843] (Info) - [{"extensionName":"nativescript-cloud","extensionVersion":"0.13.0"},{"extensionName":"nativescript-starter-kits","extensionVersion":"0.1.16"}]
[17-10-10 11:40:37.292] (Info) - {"identifier":"LGH850a1009800","displayName":"h1_global_com","model":"LG-H850","version":"7.0","vendor":"lge","platform":"Android","status":"Connected","errorHelp":null,"isTablet":false,"type":"Device"}
[17-10-10 11:40:37.305] (Info) ab.connectedDevices.ui.deviceSelected - {"debuggableAppsList":[],"deviceType":"Phone","displayName":"h1_global_com","errorHelp":null,"identifier":"LGH850a1009800","isDebugStarted":false,"isEmulator":false,"isLiveSyncStarted":false,"isTablet":false,"logData":[],"model":"LG-H850","platform":"Android","status":"Connected","type":"Device","unauthorized":false,"vendor":"Lge","version":"7.0"}
[17-10-10 11:40:37.308] (Info) ab.connectedDevices.ui.devicesListChanged - [{"debuggableAppsList":[],"deviceType":"Phone","displayName":"h1_global_com","errorHelp":null,"identifier":"LGH850a1009800","isDebugStarted":false,"isEmulator":false,"isLiveSyncStarted":false,"isTablet":false,"logData":[],"model":"LG-H850","platform":"Android","status":"Connected","type":"Device","unauthorized":false,"vendor":"Lge","version":"7.0"}]
[17-10-10 11:40:41.074] (Info) - {"iOS":{"canExecuteLocalBuild":false,"warnings":[{"warning":"NOTE: You can develop for iOS only on Mac OS X systems.","additionalInformation":"To be able to work with iOS devices and projects, you need Mac OS X Mavericks or later.\r\n","platforms":["iOS"]}]},"Android":{"canExecuteLocalBuild":true,"warnings":[]}}
[17-10-10 11:40:41.497] (Info) - {}
[17-10-10 11:40:41.514] (Info) - {"installedExtensionsCount":0}
[17-10-10 11:40:50.377] (Info) - {"appPath":"C:\\Users\\sle22c22\\Documents\\NativeScriptApps\\SMPO"}
[17-10-10 11:40:53.135] (Info) - {"appPath":"C:\\Users\\sle22c22\\Documents\\NativeScriptApps\\SMPO"}
[17-10-10 11:40:57.070] (Info) - {"identifier":"LGH850a1009800","displayName":"h1_global_com","model":"LG-H850","version":"7.0","vendor":"lge","platform":"Android","status":"Connected","errorHelp":null,"isTablet":false,"type":"Device"}
[17-10-10 11:40:57.506] (Info) - {"recentAppsList":[{"appName":"SMPO","appDirectory":"C:\\Users\\sle22c22\\Documents\\NativeScriptApps","appPath":"C:\\Users\\sle22c22\\Documents\\NativeScriptApps\\SMPO"}]}
[17-10-10 11:40:57.508] (Info) - {"appName":"SMPO","appDirectory":"C:\\Users\\sle22c22\\Documents\\NativeScriptApps","appPath":"C:\\Users\\sle22c22\\Documents\\NativeScriptApps\\SMPO"}
[17-10-10 11:40:57.510] (Info) - {"appPath":"C:\\Users\\sle22c22\\Documents\\NativeScriptApps\\SMPO"}
[17-10-10 11:40:57.808] (Info) - {"recentAppsList":[{"appName":"SMPO","appDirectory":"C:\\Users\\sle22c22\\Documents\\NativeScriptApps","appPath":"C:\\Users\\sle22c22\\Documents\\NativeScriptApps\\SMPO","description":"NativeScript Application"}]}
[17-10-10 11:40:57.812] (Info) - {"appPath":"C:\\Users\\sle22c22\\Documents\\NativeScriptApps\\SMPO"}
[17-10-10 11:40:57.816] (Info) - No value provided
[17-10-10 11:40:57.818] (Info) - true
[17-10-10 11:40:58.578] (Info) - {"userAvatar":"","email":"","firstName":"Dale","lastName":"Hubbuck"}
[17-10-10 11:40:58.579] (Info) - {"userAvatar":"","email":"","firstName":"Dale","lastName":"Hubbuck"}
[17-10-10 11:41:04.910] (Info) - {"actionId":""}
[17-10-10 11:41:04.964] (Info) ab.buildDeploy.ui.checkForGit - No value provided
[17-10-10 11:41:05.011] (Info) - {"gitVersion":""}
[17-10-10 11:41:10.703] (Info) ab.buildDeploy.ui.buildConfigChanged - {"buildConfig":"Release","buildType":"Cloud Build","emulatorDevice":null,"platform":"iOS"}
[17-10-10 11:41:18.652] (Info) ab.buildDeploy.ui.pendingRequests - 1
[17-10-10 11:41:18.657] (Info) ab.buildDeploy.ui.executeMultipleBuilds - {"buildRequestsList":[{"buildConfig":"Release","buildType":"Cloud Build","codeSigning":{"certificate":"C:\\Users\\sle22c22\\Documents\\IOS Deployment\\Certificate.p12","isPasswordRequired":false,"password":"******","provision":"C:\\Users\\sle22c22\\Documents\\IOS Deployment\\SMDistribution.mobileprovision"},"isClean":true,"platform":"iOS","isProvisioningRequired":false}]}


 { ALLUSERSPROFILE: 'C:\\ProgramData',
  ANDROID_HOME: 'C:\\Users\\sle22c22\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\android-sdk',
  APPDATA: 'C:\\Users\\sle22c22\\AppData\\Roaming',
  'asl.log': 'Destination=file',
  ChocolateyInstall: 'C:\\ProgramData\\chocolatey',
  ChocolateyLastPathUpdate: 'Thu Mar 23 13:20:12 2017',
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  ProgramData: 'C:\\ProgramData',
  ProgramFiles: 'C:\\Program Files',
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  USERPROFILE: 'C:\\Users\\sle22c22',
  VBOX_MSI_INSTALL_PATH: 'C:\\Program Files\\Oracle\\VirtualBox\\',
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  VS120COMNTOOLS: 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\\Common7\\Tools\\',
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[2017-10-10T10:39:59.233Z]: UI Receiving Ready - {"uiData":{"readyForReceiving":true,"readyForSending":false,"sendRequestsCache":2},"windowHref":"file:///C:/Users/sle22c22/AppData/Local/NativeScriptSidekick/app-0.2.5-v20179274/resources/app.asar/ui/index.html","shellData":{"moduleEventsCache":0,"sendRequestsCache":0,"windows":[{"type":"splash","ready":false},{"type":"index","ready":false}],"shellReady":false,"allWindowsReady":false}}
[2017-10-10T10:39:59.233Z]: Shell Window Ready - {"windowType":"index","shellData":{"moduleEventsCache":0,"sendRequestsCache":0,"windows":[{"type":"splash","ready":false},{"type":"index","ready":true}],"shellReady":false,"allWindowsReady":false}}
[2017-10-10T10:39:59.483Z]: UI Receiving Ready - {"uiData":{"readyForReceiving":true,"readyForSending":false,"sendRequestsCache":2},"windowHref":"file:///C:/Users/sle22c22/AppData/Local/NativeScriptSidekick/app-0.2.5-v20179274/resources/app.asar/ui/splash.html","shellData":{"moduleEventsCache":0,"sendRequestsCache":0,"windows":[{"type":"splash","ready":false},{"type":"index","ready":true}],"shellReady":false,"allWindowsReady":false}}
[2017-10-10T10:39:59.483Z]: Shell Window Ready - {"windowType":"splash","shellData":{"moduleEventsCache":0,"sendRequestsCache":0,"windows":[{"type":"splash","ready":true},{"type":"index","ready":true}],"shellReady":false,"allWindowsReady":true}}
[2017-10-10T10:40:08.199Z]: Shell Ready - {"shellData":{"lastModuleEvent":"componentsReady","moduleEventsCache":38,"sendRequestsCache":178,"windows":[{"type":"splash","ready":true},{"type":"index","ready":true}],"shellReady":true,"allWindowsReady":true}}
[2017-10-10T10:40:08.734Z]: UI Sending Ready - {"uiData":{"readyForReceiving":true,"readyForSending":true,"sendRequestsCache":2},"windowHref":"file:///C:/Users/sle22c22/AppData/Local/NativeScriptSidekick/app-0.2.5-v20179274/resources/app.asar/ui/splash.html","shellData":{"lastModuleEvent":"componentsReady","moduleEventsCache":38,"sendRequestsCache":0,"windows":[{"type":"splash","ready":true},{"type":"index","ready":true}],"shellReady":true,"allWindowsReady":true}}
[2017-10-10T10:40:19.541Z]: UI Sending Ready - {"uiData":{"readyForReceiving":true,"readyForSending":true,"sendRequestsCache":46},"windowHref":"file:///C:/Users/sle22c22/AppData/Local/NativeScriptSidekick/app-0.2.5-v20179274/resources/app.asar/ui/index.html","shellData":{"lastModuleEvent":"componentsReady","moduleEventsCache":38,"sendRequestsCache":0,"windows":[{"type":"splash","ready":true},{"type":"index","ready":true}],"shellReady":true,"allWindowsReady":true}}
rosen-vladimirov commented 6 years ago

Hey @mast3rd3mon , Thank you for sharing the logs. Unfortunately, we are unable to determine the cause of the UnhandledRejection. Can you please send us a sample project reproducing the issue or at least your package.json, so we can try to reproduce the unexpected behavior on our side? Also does the issue occur when building in Debug configuration (I've noticed you are using Release configuration)?

connorsleight commented 6 years ago

yes, it appears in both. As for my package.json:

  "description": "NativeScript Application",
  "license": "SEE LICENSE IN <your-license-filename>",
  "readme": "NativeScript Application",
  "repository": "<fill-your-repository-here>",
  "nativescript": {
    "id": "org.nativescript.SMPO",
    "tns-android": {
      "version": "3.2.0"
    "tns-ios": {
      "version": "3.2.0"
  "dependencies": {
    "@angular/animations": "4.1.3",
    "@angular/common": "4.1.3",
    "@angular/compiler": "4.1.3",
    "@angular/core": "4.1.3",
    "@angular/forms": "4.1.3",
    "@angular/http": "4.1.3",
    "@angular/platform-browser": "4.1.3",
    "@angular/router": "4.1.3",
    "nativescript-angular": "^3.1.3",
    "nativescript-telerik-ui": "3.0.4",
    "nativescript-theme-core": "^1.0.4",
    "reflect-metadata": "^0.1.10",
    "rxjs": "5.4.1",
    "tns-core-modules": "^3.1.0",
    "zone.js": "^0.8.16"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@angular/compiler-cli": "4.1.3",
    "@ngtools/webpack": "^1.5.5",
    "babel-traverse": "6.25.0",
    "babel-types": "6.25.0",
    "babylon": "6.17.4",
    "copy-webpack-plugin": "^4.0.1",
    "extract-text-webpack-plugin": "^3.0.0",
    "lazy": "^1.0.11",
    "nativescript-css-loader": "^0.26.1",
    "nativescript-dev-typescript": "^0.5.0",
    "nativescript-dev-webpack": "^0.7.3",
    "raw-loader": "^0.5.1",
    "resolve-url-loader": "^2.1.0",
    "typescript": "2.3.2",
    "webpack": "^3.4.1",
    "webpack-bundle-analyzer": "^2.8.3",
    "webpack-sources": "^1.0.1"
  "scripts": {
    "ns-bundle": "ns-bundle",
    "publish-ios-bundle": "npm run ns-bundle --ios --publish-app",
    "generate-android-snapshot": "generate-android-snapshot --targetArchs arm,arm64,ia32 --install",
    "start-android-bundle": "npm run ns-bundle --android --run-app",
    "start-ios-bundle": "npm run ns-bundle --ios --run-app",
    "build-android-bundle": "npm run ns-bundle --android --build-app",
    "build-ios-bundle": "npm run ns-bundle --ios --build-app"
connorsleight commented 6 years ago

So it appears that my p12 password was incorrect. However, when i rerun, it wont pass the build stage and i dont get any .log files created

rosen-vladimirov commented 6 years ago

Hey @mast3rd3mon , Thank you for providing the package.json. I've created a sample application by using it and I've successfully built it. So it looks like there's something else that's different on your side. It looks like the build request never reaches our servers. This can be caused by several reasons, for example are you working behind a proxy? Meanwhile, in order to investigate the issue further, can you try executing the following in a Command-Prompt (you'll have to navigate to your project inside the Command Prompt):

$ tns build cloud ios --certificate <path to certificate> --provision <path to provision> --certificatePassword <your password> --log trace

And send us the output. Thanks in advance for your help!

connorsleight commented 6 years ago

It appears that sidekick can't run a cloud build for ios on windows, i still have to use the mac for ios cloud builds which seems to defeat the point of having cloud builds available?

tsvetie commented 6 years ago

Hey @mast3rd3mon, Being able to build for iOS on a Windows machine is one of the major features of Sidekick and we have users and QAs who successfully use it. It seems that you have encountered a bug that is difficult for us to track and reproduce. The questions asked by my colleague @rosen-vladimirov might help us to determine what is causing the issue and we will appreciate it if you can take the time to answer them.

connorsleight commented 6 years ago

@rosen-vladimirov @tsvetie when i run the command with the right paths and password, i get the following

name: 'Exception',
message: 'Unknown command \'build-cloud\'. Try \'$ tns help\' for a full list of supported commands.',
errorCode: 127,
suppressCommandHelp: true

it says the build-cloud command is unknown but i ran build cloud

rosen-vladimirov commented 6 years ago

Hey @mast3rd3mon , Please excuse me for the late reply. The exception message you see (Unknown command ...) is because the command fails and we try to show the help for it. However, we still have some work on the documentation (in fact we do not have documentation for this command), so trying to show its help fails. Anyway, the real error is above this one. May I ask you to execute the command again and send us the full output:

$ tns build cloud ios --certificate <path to certificate> --provision <path to provision> --certificatePassword <your password> --log trace
connorsleight commented 6 years ago

@rosen-vladimirov The same error occurs:

name: 'Exception',
message: 'Unknown command \'build-cloud\'. Try \'$ tns help\' for a full list of supported commands.',
errorCode: 127,
suppressCommandHelp: true
rosen-vladimirov commented 6 years ago

Hey @mast3rd3mon , May I ask you to execute the following:

$ tns --version
$ tns extension

In order to get build cloud command to work, you must have the nativescript-cloud extension installed. The above mentioned commands will help us to determine the versions of the extensions installed.

connorsleight commented 6 years ago

@rosen-vladimirov the commands are as follows

tns --version:
tns extension:
nativescript-cloud: 0.16.0
nativescript-starter-kits: 0.2.1
rosen-vladimirov commented 6 years ago

@mast3rd3mon thank you for the fast reply. Can you please execute the following steps:

$ tns extension install nativescript-cloud@1.0.0
$ tns login
$ tns build cloud ios --accountId 1 --certificate <path to certificate> --provision <path to provision> --certificatePassword <your password> --log trace > log.txt 2>1

The first command will install the latest version of the extension. The second one will allow you to login, so you'll be able to build your application (the third command).

Btw have you tried using latest versions of NativeScript Sidekick? Does the issue reproduce after updating Sidekick (it has auto update included, but you will have to restart the application after a new update is downloaded).

rosen-vladimirov commented 6 years ago

I forgot to mention - the last command will produce a file called log.txt, can you send it to us in case the issue is still reproducible?

connorsleight commented 6 years ago

sidekick is indeed updated, and yeah, i will

connorsleight commented 6 years ago


Loading extensions.
Asserting extension nativescript-cloud is installed.
Extension nativescript-cloud is installed.
Asserting extension nativescript-starter-kits is installed.
Extension nativescript-starter-kits is installed.
execFile: C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb "help"
Exec npm -v 
 stdout: 3.10.10

spawn: java "-version"
Exec node-gyp -v 
 stderr: 'node-gyp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Error while executing node-gyp -v: Command failed: node-gyp -v
'node-gyp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Exec "C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb" version 
 stdout: Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.39
Revision 3db08f2c6889-android
Installed as C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe

spawn: C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\tools\emulator "-help"
Result when throw error is false:
{ stdout: 'Android Emulator usage: emulator [options] [-qemu args]\r\n  options:\r\n    -list-avds                     list available AVDs\r\n    -sysdir <dir>                  search for system disk images in <dir>\r\n    -system <file>                 read initial system image from <file>\r\n    -writable-system               make system image writable after \'adb remount\'\r\n    -datadir <dir>                 write user data into <dir>\r\n    -kernel <file>                 use specific emulated kernel\r\n    -ramdisk <file>                ramdisk image (default <system>/ramdisk.img\r\n    -image <file>                  obsolete, use -system <file> instead\r\n    -initdata <file>               same as \'-init-data <file>\'\r\n    -data <file>                   data image (default <datadir>/userdata-qemu.img\r\n    -partition-size <size>         system/data partition size in MBs\r\n    -cache <file>                  cache partition image (default is temporary file)\r\n    -cache-size <size>             cache partition size in MBs\r\n    -no-cache                      disable the cache partition\r\n    -nocache                       same as -no-cache\r\n    -sdcard <file>                 SD card image (default <datadir>/sdcard.img\r\n    -snapstorage <file>            file that contains all state snapshots (default <datadir>/snapshots.img)\r\n    -no-snapstorage                do not mount a snapshot storage file (this disables all snapshot functionality)\r\n    -snapshot <name>               name of snapshot within storage file for auto-start and auto-save (default \'default-boot\')\r\n    -no-snapshot                   perform a full boot and do not do not auto-save, but qemu vmload and vmsave operate on snapstorage\r\n    -no-snapshot-save              do not auto-save to snapshot on exit: abandon changed state\r\n    -no-snapshot-load              do not auto-start from snapshot: perform a full boot\r\n    -snapshot-list                 show a list of available snapshots\r\n    -no-snapshot-update-time       do not do try to correct snapshot time on restore\r\n    -wipe-data                     reset the user data image (copy it from initdata)\r\n    -avd <name>                    use a specific android virtual device\r\n    -skindir <dir>                 search skins in <dir> (default <system>/skins)\r\n    -skin <name>                   select a given skin\r\n    -no-skin                       deprecated: create an AVD with no skin instead\r\n    -noskin                        same as -no-skin\r\n    -memory <size>                 physical RAM size in MBs\r\n    -accel <mode>                  Configure emulation acceleration\r\n    -no-accel                      Same as \'-accel off\'\r\n    -ranchu                        Use new emulator backend instead of the classic one\r\n    -engine <engine>               Select engine. auto|classic|qemu2\r\n    -netspeed <speed>              maximum network download/upload speeds\r\n    -netdelay <delay>              network latency emulation\r\n    -netfast                       disable network shaping\r\n    -code-profile <name>           enable code profiling\r\n    -show-kernel                   display kernel messages\r\n    -shell                         enable root shell on current terminal\r\n    -no-jni                        disable JNI checks in the Dalvik runtime\r\n    -nojni                         same as -no-jni\r\n    -logcat <tags>                 enable logcat output with given tags\r\n    -no-audio                      disable audio support\r\n    -noaudio                       same as -no-audio\r\n    -audio <backend>               use specific audio backend\r\n    -raw-keys                      disable Unicode keyboard reverse-mapping (deprecated)\r\n    -radio <device>                redirect radio modem interface to character device\r\n    -port <port>                   TCP port that will be used for the console\r\n    -ports <consoleport>,<adbport> TCP ports used for the console and adb bridge\r\n    -onion <image>                 use overlay PNG image over screen\r\n    -onion-alpha <%age>            specify onion-skin translucency\r\n    -onion-rotation 0|1|2|3        specify onion-skin rotation\r\n    -dpi-device <dpi>              specify device\'s resolution in dpi (default 165)\r\n    -scale <scale>                 scale emulator window (deprecated)\r\n    -http-proxy <proxy>            make TCP connections through a HTTP/HTTPS proxy\r\n    -timezone <timezone>           use this timezone instead of the host\'s default\r\n    -dns-server <servers>          use this DNS server(s) in the emulated system\r\n    -cpu-delay <cpudelay>          throttle CPU emulation\r\n    -no-boot-anim                  disable animation for faster boot\r\n    -no-window                     disable graphical window display\r\n    -version                       display emulator version number\r\n    -report-console <socket>       report console port to remote socket\r\n    -gps <device>                  redirect NMEA GPS to character device\r\n    -keyset <name>                 specify keyset file name\r\n    -shell-serial <device>         specific character device for root shell\r\n    -tcpdump <file>                capture network packets to file\r\n    -bootchart <timeout>           enable bootcharting\r\n    -charmap <file>                use specific key character map\r\n    -prop <name>=<value>           set system property on boot\r\n    -shared-net-id <number>        join the shared network, using IP address 10.1.2.<number>\r\n    -gpu <mode>                    set hardware OpenGLES emulation mode\r\n    -camera-back <mode>            set emulation mode for a camera facing back\r\n    -camera-front <mode>           set emulation mode for a camera facing front\r\n    -webcam-list                   lists web cameras available for emulation\r\n    -screen <mode>                 set emulated screen mode\r\n    -force-32bit                   always use 32-bit emulator\r\n    -selinux <disabled|permissive> Set SELinux to either disabled or permissive mode\r\n    -unix-pipe <path>              Add <path> to the list of allowed Unix pipes\r\n    -fixed-scale                   Use fixed 1:1 scale for the initial emulator window.\r\n\r\n     -qemu args...                 pass arguments to qemu\r\n     -qemu -h                      display qemu help\r\n\r\n     -verbose                      same as \'-debug-init\'\r\n     -debug <tags>                 enable/disable debug messages\r\n     -debug-<tag>                  enable specific debug messages\r\n     -debug-no-<tag>               disable specific debug messages\r\n\r\n     -help                         print this help\r\n     -help-<option>                print option-specific help\r\n\r\n     -help-disk-images             about disk images\r\n     -help-keys                    supported key bindings\r\n     -help-debug-tags              debug tags for -debug <tags>\r\n     -help-char-devices            character <device> specification\r\n     -help-environment             environment variables\r\n     -help-keyset-file             key bindings configuration file\r\n     -help-virtual-device          virtual device management\r\n     -help-sdk-images              about disk images when using the SDK\r\n     -help-build-images            about disk images when building Android\r\n     -help-all                     prints all help content\r\n\r\n',
  stderr: '',
  exitCode: 1 }
The result of checking is Android Emulator installed is:
- stdout: Android Emulator usage: emulator [options] [-qemu args]
    -list-avds                     list available AVDs
    -sysdir <dir>                  search for system disk images in <dir>
    -system <file>                 read initial system image from <file>
    -writable-system               make system image writable after 'adb remount'
    -datadir <dir>                 write user data into <dir>
    -kernel <file>                 use specific emulated kernel
    -ramdisk <file>                ramdisk image (default <system>/ramdisk.img
    -image <file>                  obsolete, use -system <file> instead
    -initdata <file>               same as '-init-data <file>'
    -data <file>                   data image (default <datadir>/userdata-qemu.img
    -partition-size <size>         system/data partition size in MBs
    -cache <file>                  cache partition image (default is temporary file)
    -cache-size <size>             cache partition size in MBs
    -no-cache                      disable the cache partition
    -nocache                       same as -no-cache
    -sdcard <file>                 SD card image (default <datadir>/sdcard.img
    -snapstorage <file>            file that contains all state snapshots (default <datadir>/snapshots.img)
    -no-snapstorage                do not mount a snapshot storage file (this disables all snapshot functionality)
    -snapshot <name>               name of snapshot within storage file for auto-start and auto-save (default 'default-boot')
    -no-snapshot                   perform a full boot and do not do not auto-save, but qemu vmload and vmsave operate on snapstorage
    -no-snapshot-save              do not auto-save to snapshot on exit: abandon changed state
    -no-snapshot-load              do not auto-start from snapshot: perform a full boot
    -snapshot-list                 show a list of available snapshots
    -no-snapshot-update-time       do not do try to correct snapshot time on restore
    -wipe-data                     reset the user data image (copy it from initdata)
    -avd <name>                    use a specific android virtual device
    -skindir <dir>                 search skins in <dir> (default <system>/skins)
    -skin <name>                   select a given skin
    -no-skin                       deprecated: create an AVD with no skin instead
    -noskin                        same as -no-skin
    -memory <size>                 physical RAM size in MBs
    -accel <mode>                  Configure emulation acceleration
    -no-accel                      Same as '-accel off'
    -ranchu                        Use new emulator backend instead of the classic one
    -engine <engine>               Select engine. auto|classic|qemu2
    -netspeed <speed>              maximum network download/upload speeds
    -netdelay <delay>              network latency emulation
    -netfast                       disable network shaping
    -code-profile <name>           enable code profiling
    -show-kernel                   display kernel messages
    -shell                         enable root shell on current terminal
    -no-jni                        disable JNI checks in the Dalvik runtime
    -nojni                         same as -no-jni
    -logcat <tags>                 enable logcat output with given tags
    -no-audio                      disable audio support
    -noaudio                       same as -no-audio
    -audio <backend>               use specific audio backend
    -raw-keys                      disable Unicode keyboard reverse-mapping (deprecated)
    -radio <device>                redirect radio modem interface to character device
    -port <port>                   TCP port that will be used for the console
    -ports <consoleport>,<adbport> TCP ports used for the console and adb bridge
    -onion <image>                 use overlay PNG image over screen
    -onion-alpha <%age>            specify onion-skin translucency
    -onion-rotation 0|1|2|3        specify onion-skin rotation
    -dpi-device <dpi>              specify device's resolution in dpi (default 165)
    -scale <scale>                 scale emulator window (deprecated)
    -http-proxy <proxy>            make TCP connections through a HTTP/HTTPS proxy
    -timezone <timezone>           use this timezone instead of the host's default
    -dns-server <servers>          use this DNS server(s) in the emulated system
    -cpu-delay <cpudelay>          throttle CPU emulation
    -no-boot-anim                  disable animation for faster boot
    -no-window                     disable graphical window display
    -version                       display emulator version number
    -report-console <socket>       report console port to remote socket
    -gps <device>                  redirect NMEA GPS to character device
    -keyset <name>                 specify keyset file name
    -shell-serial <device>         specific character device for root shell
    -tcpdump <file>                capture network packets to file
    -bootchart <timeout>           enable bootcharting
    -charmap <file>                use specific key character map
    -prop <name>=<value>           set system property on boot
    -shared-net-id <number>        join the shared network, using IP address 10.1.2.<number>
    -gpu <mode>                    set hardware OpenGLES emulation mode
    -camera-back <mode>            set emulation mode for a camera facing back
    -camera-front <mode>           set emulation mode for a camera facing front
    -webcam-list                   lists web cameras available for emulation
    -screen <mode>                 set emulated screen mode
    -force-32bit                   always use 32-bit emulator
    -selinux <disabled|permissive> Set SELinux to either disabled or permissive mode
    -unix-pipe <path>              Add <path> to the list of allowed Unix pipes
    -fixed-scale                   Use fixed 1:1 scale for the initial emulator window.

     -qemu args...                 pass arguments to qemu
     -qemu -h                      display qemu help

     -verbose                      same as '-debug-init'
     -debug <tags>                 enable/disable debug messages
     -debug-<tag>                  enable specific debug messages
     -debug-no-<tag>               disable specific debug messages

     -help                         print this help
     -help-<option>                print option-specific help

     -help-disk-images             about disk images
     -help-keys                    supported key bindings
     -help-debug-tags              debug tags for -debug <tags>
     -help-char-devices            character <device> specification
     -help-environment             environment variables
     -help-keyset-file             key bindings configuration file
     -help-virtual-device          virtual device management
     -help-sdk-images              about disk images when using the SDK
     -help-build-images            about disk images when building Android
     -help-all                     prints all help content

- stderr: 
Exec mono --version 
 stderr: 'mono' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Error while executing mono --version: Command failed: mono --version
'mono' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Exec git --version 
 stdout: git version

Exec gradle -v 
 stderr: 'gradle' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Error while executing gradle -v: Command failed: gradle -v
'gradle' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Exec "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_112\bin\javac" -version 
 stderr: javac 1.8.0_112

System information:
{ procInfo: 'nativescript/3.3.0',
  platform: 'win32',
  os: 'Windows 8.1 Pro 6.3.9600',
  shell: 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe',
  dotNetVer: '4.6.01055',
  procArch: 'x64',
  nodeVer: 'v6.11.3',
  npmVer: '3.10.10',
  javaVer: '1.7.0',
  nodeGypVer: null,
  xcodeVer: null,
  xcodeprojGemLocation: null,
  itunesInstalled: true,
  cocoapodVer: null,
  adbVer: 'Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.39',
  emulatorInstalled: true,
  monoVer: null,
  gitVer: '',
  gradleVer: null,
  javacVersion: '1.8.0_112' }
Starting watch on killswitch C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Local\Temp\sle22c22\KillSwitches\cli
Looking for project in 'C:\Users\sle22c22\Documents\NativeScriptApps\SMPO'
Project directory is 'C:\Users\sle22c22\Documents\NativeScriptApps\SMPO'.
Shasum of file C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Roaming\.nativescript-cli\EULA.pdf is 91934b2df320a237d7eb8d01ca09ab9580b7a548241afb3a5b6d4641469bfa4d
Checking EULA state: acceptedEulaHash is 91934b2df320a237d7eb8d01ca09ab9580b7a548241afb3a5b6d4641469bfa4d, currentEulaHash is 91934b2df320a237d7eb8d01ca09ab9580b7a548241afb3a5b6d4641469bfa4d.
Checked EULA state - shouldAcceptEula is false.
Ensure EULA accepted: no need to accept EULA - already accepted.
Initializing analytics statuses.
Analytics statuses:  { TrackFeatureUsage: 'disabled', TrackExceptions: 'disabled' }
Executing cloud build with platform: iOS.
Shasum of file C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Roaming\.nativescript-cli\EULA.pdf is 91934b2df320a237d7eb8d01ca09ab9580b7a548241afb3a5b6d4641469bfa4d
Checking EULA state: acceptedEulaHash is 91934b2df320a237d7eb8d01ca09ab9580b7a548241afb3a5b6d4641469bfa4d, currentEulaHash is 91934b2df320a237d7eb8d01ca09ab9580b7a548241afb3a5b6d4641469bfa4d.
Checked EULA state - shouldAcceptEula is false.
User-Agent: tnsCLI/3.3.0 (Node.js 6.11.3; win32; x64)
httpRequest: { proto: 'https',
  host: '',
  path: '/v2/api/accounts',
  method: 'GET',
   { Authorization: 'Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJuYmYiOjE1MTA5MTY3NjIsImV4cCI6MTUxMDkyMDM2MiwianRpIjoiMDYwNDAwNDMzOGIzNGZiYWE1M2JhMDcxZWY3NTk2ZmUifQ.BfzQmynTfpddkaxMldYIbUXfFl-PjPjuPPh4HZly2qE',
     Accept: 'application/json',
     'User-Agent': 'tnsCLI/3.3.0 (Node.js 6.11.3; win32; x64)',
     'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate' },
  url: '',
  encoding: null,
  followAllRedirects: true }
httpRequest: Sending:
[no content]
httpRequest: Done. code = 200
/v2/api/accounts (GET api/accounts) returned 200
Starting cloud build of 'C:\Users\sle22c22\Documents\NativeScriptApps\SMPO', platform: 'iOS', configuration: 'Debug', buildId: f8d6fedf-55a0-422a-b298-76da1e205fe3.
List of registered commands: /?, accept, accept|eula, account, account|usage, appstore, appstore|upload, autocomplete, autocomplete|disable, autocomplete|enable, autocomplete|status, build, build|android, build|cloud, build|ios, clean-app, clean-app|android, clean-app|ios, cloud, cloud|build, cloud|codesign, cloud|lib|version, cloud|publish|android, cloud|publish|ios, codesign, codesign|cloud, config, config|apply, config|reset, config|set, create, debug, debug|android, debug|ios, deploy, dev-generate-help, dev-generate-messages, dev-login, dev-post-install, dev-preuninstall, dev-test, dev-test|android, dev-test|ios, device, devices, devices|android, devices|ios, device|android, device|get-file, device|ios, device|list-applications, device|list-files, device|log, device|put-file, device|run, device|stop, device|uninstall, doctor, error-reporting, extension, extension|install, extension|uninstall, help, info, init, install, kill-server, login, logout, platform, platform|add, platform|clean, platform|remove, platform|update, plugin, plugin|add, plugin|install, plugin|remove, plugin|update, post-install-cli, prepare, proxy, proxy|clear, proxy|set, publish, publish|ios, run, run|android, run|ios, test, test|android, test|init, test|ios, update, usage-reporting, user
Reading help for command 'build|cloud'. FileName is ''.
Unknown command 'build-cloud'. Try '$ tns help' for a full list of supported commands.
rosen-vladimirov commented 6 years ago

Hey @mast3rd3mon , Thank you for providing the required information. Unfortunately we are still not able to determine what could cause the unexpected behavior. In order to continue the investigation, can you please help us by checking the following:

  1. Is there some other information visible on the terminal when you execute the build command? There should be some kind of information between these lines:

    Starting cloud build of ...
    List of registered commands:...

    which should help us to determine the error, but unfortunately there's nothing in the logs.

  2. Does the build command finishes or you have stopped it (by using Ctrl + C) manually?

  3. Does the issue occur with all projects or with a particular one?

Thanks a lot for your help and cooperation!

connorsleight commented 6 years ago

@rosen-vladimirov I cant seem to get the command to run anymore, it doesnt log anything and just drops out. The command finishes building and i have only tried on this project so far

rosen-vladimirov commented 6 years ago

@mast3rd3mon , the moment when command does not log anything could be due to some checks if all npm packages are installed, you may have to wait a little bit for these operations. Anyway, can you try the following commands:

$ tns create myApp
$ cd myApp
$ tns build cloud ios --accountId 1 --certificate <path to certificate> --provision <path to provision> --certificatePassword <your password>

and see if it works?

connorsleight commented 6 years ago

I dont think it will, i would have to go through and change all of the app id's so they are the same as what is in the profile. But i do have another project i can try this on. Ill try it and report back

connorsleight commented 6 years ago

So the console doesnt log anything but i do get the .txt file:

Loading extensions.
Asserting extension nativescript-cloud is installed.
Extension nativescript-cloud is installed.
Asserting extension nativescript-starter-kits is installed.
Extension nativescript-starter-kits is installed.
execFile: C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb "help"
Exec npm -v 
 stdout: 3.10.10

spawn: java "-version"
Exec node-gyp -v 
 stderr: 'node-gyp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Error while executing node-gyp -v: Command failed: node-gyp -v
'node-gyp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Exec "C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb" version 
 stdout: Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.39
Revision 3db08f2c6889-android
Installed as C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe

spawn: C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\tools\emulator "-help"
Result when throw error is false:
{ stdout: 'Android Emulator usage: emulator [options] [-qemu args]\r\n  options:\r\n    -list-avds                     list available AVDs\r\n    -sysdir <dir>                  search for system disk images in <dir>\r\n    -system <file>                 read initial system image from <file>\r\n    -writable-system               make system image writable after \'adb remount\'\r\n    -datadir <dir>                 write user data into <dir>\r\n    -kernel <file>                 use specific emulated kernel\r\n    -ramdisk <file>                ramdisk image (default <system>/ramdisk.img\r\n    -image <file>                  obsolete, use -system <file> instead\r\n    -initdata <file>               same as \'-init-data <file>\'\r\n    -data <file>                   data image (default <datadir>/userdata-qemu.img\r\n    -partition-size <size>         system/data partition size in MBs\r\n    -cache <file>                  cache partition image (default is temporary file)\r\n    -cache-size <size>             cache partition size in MBs\r\n    -no-cache                      disable the cache partition\r\n    -nocache                       same as -no-cache\r\n    -sdcard <file>                 SD card image (default <datadir>/sdcard.img\r\n    -snapstorage <file>            file that contains all state snapshots (default <datadir>/snapshots.img)\r\n    -no-snapstorage                do not mount a snapshot storage file (this disables all snapshot functionality)\r\n    -snapshot <name>               name of snapshot within storage file for auto-start and auto-save (default \'default-boot\')\r\n    -no-snapshot                   perform a full boot and do not do not auto-save, but qemu vmload and vmsave operate on snapstorage\r\n    -no-snapshot-save              do not auto-save to snapshot on exit: abandon changed state\r\n    -no-snapshot-load              do not auto-start from snapshot: perform a full boot\r\n    -snapshot-list                 show a list of available snapshots\r\n    -no-snapshot-update-time       do not do try to correct snapshot time on restore\r\n    -wipe-data                     reset the user data image (copy it from initdata)\r\n    -avd <name>                    use a specific android virtual device\r\n    -skindir <dir>                 search skins in <dir> (default <system>/skins)\r\n    -skin <name>                   select a given skin\r\n    -no-skin                       deprecated: create an AVD with no skin instead\r\n    -noskin                        same as -no-skin\r\n    -memory <size>                 physical RAM size in MBs\r\n    -accel <mode>                  Configure emulation acceleration\r\n    -no-accel                      Same as \'-accel off\'\r\n    -ranchu                        Use new emulator backend instead of the classic one\r\n    -engine <engine>               Select engine. auto|classic|qemu2\r\n    -netspeed <speed>              maximum network download/upload speeds\r\n    -netdelay <delay>              network latency emulation\r\n    -netfast                       disable network shaping\r\n    -code-profile <name>           enable code profiling\r\n    -show-kernel                   display kernel messages\r\n    -shell                         enable root shell on current terminal\r\n    -no-jni                        disable JNI checks in the Dalvik runtime\r\n    -nojni                         same as -no-jni\r\n    -logcat <tags>                 enable logcat output with given tags\r\n    -no-audio                      disable audio support\r\n    -noaudio                       same as -no-audio\r\n    -audio <backend>               use specific audio backend\r\n    -raw-keys                      disable Unicode keyboard reverse-mapping (deprecated)\r\n    -radio <device>                redirect radio modem interface to character device\r\n    -port <port>                   TCP port that will be used for the console\r\n    -ports <consoleport>,<adbport> TCP ports used for the console and adb bridge\r\n    -onion <image>                 use overlay PNG image over screen\r\n    -onion-alpha <%age>            specify onion-skin translucency\r\n    -onion-rotation 0|1|2|3        specify onion-skin rotation\r\n    -dpi-device <dpi>              specify device\'s resolution in dpi (default 165)\r\n    -scale <scale>                 scale emulator window (deprecated)\r\n    -http-proxy <proxy>            make TCP connections through a HTTP/HTTPS proxy\r\n    -timezone <timezone>           use this timezone instead of the host\'s default\r\n    -dns-server <servers>          use this DNS server(s) in the emulated system\r\n    -cpu-delay <cpudelay>          throttle CPU emulation\r\n    -no-boot-anim                  disable animation for faster boot\r\n    -no-window                     disable graphical window display\r\n    -version                       display emulator version number\r\n    -report-console <socket>       report console port to remote socket\r\n    -gps <device>                  redirect NMEA GPS to character device\r\n    -keyset <name>                 specify keyset file name\r\n    -shell-serial <device>         specific character device for root shell\r\n    -tcpdump <file>                capture network packets to file\r\n    -bootchart <timeout>           enable bootcharting\r\n    -charmap <file>                use specific key character map\r\n    -prop <name>=<value>           set system property on boot\r\n    -shared-net-id <number>        join the shared network, using IP address 10.1.2.<number>\r\n    -gpu <mode>                    set hardware OpenGLES emulation mode\r\n    -camera-back <mode>            set emulation mode for a camera facing back\r\n    -camera-front <mode>           set emulation mode for a camera facing front\r\n    -webcam-list                   lists web cameras available for emulation\r\n    -screen <mode>                 set emulated screen mode\r\n    -force-32bit                   always use 32-bit emulator\r\n    -selinux <disabled|permissive> Set SELinux to either disabled or permissive mode\r\n    -unix-pipe <path>              Add <path> to the list of allowed Unix pipes\r\n    -fixed-scale                   Use fixed 1:1 scale for the initial emulator window.\r\n\r\n     -qemu args...                 pass arguments to qemu\r\n     -qemu -h                      display qemu help\r\n\r\n     -verbose                      same as \'-debug-init\'\r\n     -debug <tags>                 enable/disable debug messages\r\n     -debug-<tag>                  enable specific debug messages\r\n     -debug-no-<tag>               disable specific debug messages\r\n\r\n     -help                         print this help\r\n     -help-<option>                print option-specific help\r\n\r\n     -help-disk-images             about disk images\r\n     -help-keys                    supported key bindings\r\n     -help-debug-tags              debug tags for -debug <tags>\r\n     -help-char-devices            character <device> specification\r\n     -help-environment             environment variables\r\n     -help-keyset-file             key bindings configuration file\r\n     -help-virtual-device          virtual device management\r\n     -help-sdk-images              about disk images when using the SDK\r\n     -help-build-images            about disk images when building Android\r\n     -help-all                     prints all help content\r\n\r\n',
  stderr: '',
  exitCode: 1 }
The result of checking is Android Emulator installed is:
- stdout: Android Emulator usage: emulator [options] [-qemu args]
    -list-avds                     list available AVDs
    -sysdir <dir>                  search for system disk images in <dir>
    -system <file>                 read initial system image from <file>
    -writable-system               make system image writable after 'adb remount'
    -datadir <dir>                 write user data into <dir>
    -kernel <file>                 use specific emulated kernel
    -ramdisk <file>                ramdisk image (default <system>/ramdisk.img
    -image <file>                  obsolete, use -system <file> instead
    -initdata <file>               same as '-init-data <file>'
    -data <file>                   data image (default <datadir>/userdata-qemu.img
    -partition-size <size>         system/data partition size in MBs
    -cache <file>                  cache partition image (default is temporary file)
    -cache-size <size>             cache partition size in MBs
    -no-cache                      disable the cache partition
    -nocache                       same as -no-cache
    -sdcard <file>                 SD card image (default <datadir>/sdcard.img
    -snapstorage <file>            file that contains all state snapshots (default <datadir>/snapshots.img)
    -no-snapstorage                do not mount a snapshot storage file (this disables all snapshot functionality)
    -snapshot <name>               name of snapshot within storage file for auto-start and auto-save (default 'default-boot')
    -no-snapshot                   perform a full boot and do not do not auto-save, but qemu vmload and vmsave operate on snapstorage
    -no-snapshot-save              do not auto-save to snapshot on exit: abandon changed state
    -no-snapshot-load              do not auto-start from snapshot: perform a full boot
    -snapshot-list                 show a list of available snapshots
    -no-snapshot-update-time       do not do try to correct snapshot time on restore
    -wipe-data                     reset the user data image (copy it from initdata)
    -avd <name>                    use a specific android virtual device
    -skindir <dir>                 search skins in <dir> (default <system>/skins)
    -skin <name>                   select a given skin
    -no-skin                       deprecated: create an AVD with no skin instead
    -noskin                        same as -no-skin
    -memory <size>                 physical RAM size in MBs
    -accel <mode>                  Configure emulation acceleration
    -no-accel                      Same as '-accel off'
    -ranchu                        Use new emulator backend instead of the classic one
    -engine <engine>               Select engine. auto|classic|qemu2
    -netspeed <speed>              maximum network download/upload speeds
    -netdelay <delay>              network latency emulation
    -netfast                       disable network shaping
    -code-profile <name>           enable code profiling
    -show-kernel                   display kernel messages
    -shell                         enable root shell on current terminal
    -no-jni                        disable JNI checks in the Dalvik runtime
    -nojni                         same as -no-jni
    -logcat <tags>                 enable logcat output with given tags
    -no-audio                      disable audio support
    -noaudio                       same as -no-audio
    -audio <backend>               use specific audio backend
    -raw-keys                      disable Unicode keyboard reverse-mapping (deprecated)
    -radio <device>                redirect radio modem interface to character device
    -port <port>                   TCP port that will be used for the console
    -ports <consoleport>,<adbport> TCP ports used for the console and adb bridge
    -onion <image>                 use overlay PNG image over screen
    -onion-alpha <%age>            specify onion-skin translucency
    -onion-rotation 0|1|2|3        specify onion-skin rotation
    -dpi-device <dpi>              specify device's resolution in dpi (default 165)
    -scale <scale>                 scale emulator window (deprecated)
    -http-proxy <proxy>            make TCP connections through a HTTP/HTTPS proxy
    -timezone <timezone>           use this timezone instead of the host's default
    -dns-server <servers>          use this DNS server(s) in the emulated system
    -cpu-delay <cpudelay>          throttle CPU emulation
    -no-boot-anim                  disable animation for faster boot
    -no-window                     disable graphical window display
    -version                       display emulator version number
    -report-console <socket>       report console port to remote socket
    -gps <device>                  redirect NMEA GPS to character device
    -keyset <name>                 specify keyset file name
    -shell-serial <device>         specific character device for root shell
    -tcpdump <file>                capture network packets to file
    -bootchart <timeout>           enable bootcharting
    -charmap <file>                use specific key character map
    -prop <name>=<value>           set system property on boot
    -shared-net-id <number>        join the shared network, using IP address 10.1.2.<number>
    -gpu <mode>                    set hardware OpenGLES emulation mode
    -camera-back <mode>            set emulation mode for a camera facing back
    -camera-front <mode>           set emulation mode for a camera facing front
    -webcam-list                   lists web cameras available for emulation
    -screen <mode>                 set emulated screen mode
    -force-32bit                   always use 32-bit emulator
    -selinux <disabled|permissive> Set SELinux to either disabled or permissive mode
    -unix-pipe <path>              Add <path> to the list of allowed Unix pipes
    -fixed-scale                   Use fixed 1:1 scale for the initial emulator window.

     -qemu args...                 pass arguments to qemu
     -qemu -h                      display qemu help

     -verbose                      same as '-debug-init'
     -debug <tags>                 enable/disable debug messages
     -debug-<tag>                  enable specific debug messages
     -debug-no-<tag>               disable specific debug messages

     -help                         print this help
     -help-<option>                print option-specific help

     -help-disk-images             about disk images
     -help-keys                    supported key bindings
     -help-debug-tags              debug tags for -debug <tags>
     -help-char-devices            character <device> specification
     -help-environment             environment variables
     -help-keyset-file             key bindings configuration file
     -help-virtual-device          virtual device management
     -help-sdk-images              about disk images when using the SDK
     -help-build-images            about disk images when building Android
     -help-all                     prints all help content

- stderr: 
Exec mono --version 
 stderr: 'mono' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Error while executing mono --version: Command failed: mono --version
'mono' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Exec git --version 
 stdout: git version

Exec gradle -v 
 stderr: 'gradle' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Error while executing gradle -v: Command failed: gradle -v
'gradle' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Exec "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_112\bin\javac" -version 
 stderr: javac 1.8.0_112

System information:
{ procInfo: 'nativescript/3.3.0',
  platform: 'win32',
  os: 'Windows 8.1 Pro 6.3.9600',
  shell: 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe',
  dotNetVer: '4.6.01055',
  procArch: 'x64',
  nodeVer: 'v6.11.3',
  npmVer: '3.10.10',
  javaVer: '1.7.0',
  nodeGypVer: null,
  xcodeVer: null,
  xcodeprojGemLocation: null,
  itunesInstalled: true,
  cocoapodVer: null,
  adbVer: 'Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.39',
  emulatorInstalled: true,
  monoVer: null,
  gitVer: '',
  gradleVer: null,
  javacVersion: '1.8.0_112' }
Starting watch on killswitch C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Local\Temp\sle22c22\KillSwitches\cli
Looking for project in 'C:\Users\sle22c22\Documents\NativeScriptApps\SMPO'
Project directory is 'C:\Users\sle22c22\Documents\NativeScriptApps\SMPO'.
Shasum of file C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Roaming\.nativescript-cli\EULA.pdf is 91934b2df320a237d7eb8d01ca09ab9580b7a548241afb3a5b6d4641469bfa4d
Checking EULA state: acceptedEulaHash is 91934b2df320a237d7eb8d01ca09ab9580b7a548241afb3a5b6d4641469bfa4d, currentEulaHash is 91934b2df320a237d7eb8d01ca09ab9580b7a548241afb3a5b6d4641469bfa4d.
Checked EULA state - shouldAcceptEula is false.
Ensure EULA accepted: no need to accept EULA - already accepted.
Initializing analytics statuses.
Analytics statuses:  { TrackFeatureUsage: 'disabled', TrackExceptions: 'disabled' }
Executing cloud build with platform: iOS.
Shasum of file C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Roaming\.nativescript-cli\EULA.pdf is 91934b2df320a237d7eb8d01ca09ab9580b7a548241afb3a5b6d4641469bfa4d
Checking EULA state: acceptedEulaHash is 91934b2df320a237d7eb8d01ca09ab9580b7a548241afb3a5b6d4641469bfa4d, currentEulaHash is 91934b2df320a237d7eb8d01ca09ab9580b7a548241afb3a5b6d4641469bfa4d.
Checked EULA state - shouldAcceptEula is false.
User-Agent: tnsCLI/3.3.0 (Node.js 6.11.3; win32; x64)
httpRequest: { proto: 'https',
  host: '',
  path: '/v2/api/accounts',
  method: 'GET',
   { Authorization: 'Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJuYmYiOjE1MTA5MjY2NDQsImV4cCI6MTUxMDkzMDI0NCwianRpIjoiM2I1ZWU2NGVjY2IxNDdhZmE3MDNjM2Q4Yzg3NTcxYTkifQ.7XYo_dcm8Sq-Rj2alKEIBEYJR1khI3JvCv4g2NL7I4w',
     Accept: 'application/json',
     'User-Agent': 'tnsCLI/3.3.0 (Node.js 6.11.3; win32; x64)',
     'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate' },
  url: '',
  encoding: null,
  followAllRedirects: true }
httpRequest: Sending:
[no content]
httpRequest: Done. code = 200
/v2/api/accounts (GET api/accounts) returned 200
Starting cloud build of 'C:\Users\sle22c22\Documents\NativeScriptApps\SMPO', platform: 'iOS', configuration: 'Debug', buildId: 1f124af3-fc24-485f-ba01-10c4bac8e05c.
List of registered commands: /?, accept, accept|eula, account, account|usage, appstore, appstore|upload, autocomplete, autocomplete|disable, autocomplete|enable, autocomplete|status, build, build|android, build|cloud, build|ios, clean-app, clean-app|android, clean-app|ios, cloud, cloud|build, cloud|codesign, cloud|lib|version, cloud|publish|android, cloud|publish|ios, codesign, codesign|cloud, config, config|apply, config|reset, config|set, create, debug, debug|android, debug|ios, deploy, dev-generate-help, dev-generate-messages, dev-login, dev-post-install, dev-preuninstall, dev-test, dev-test|android, dev-test|ios, device, devices, devices|android, devices|ios, device|android, device|get-file, device|ios, device|list-applications, device|list-files, device|log, device|put-file, device|run, device|stop, device|uninstall, doctor, error-reporting, extension, extension|install, extension|uninstall, help, info, init, install, kill-server, login, logout, platform, platform|add, platform|clean, platform|remove, platform|update, plugin, plugin|add, plugin|install, plugin|remove, plugin|update, post-install-cli, prepare, proxy, proxy|clear, proxy|set, publish, publish|ios, run, run|android, run|ios, test, test|android, test|init, test|ios, update, usage-reporting, user
Reading help for command 'build|cloud'. FileName is ''.
Unknown command 'build-cloud'. Try '$ tns help' for a full list of supported commands.
rosen-vladimirov commented 6 years ago

Hey @mast3rd3mon , I've created a modified version of nativescript-cloud extension, that should help us to determine what's the problem on your side. Can you please install it and try building you app one more time

  1. Download the .tgz from here:!Avv1qJTtvee8iKILSzqqJgm_hTqpEQ
  2. Install it by executing $ tns extension install <path to the downloaded .tgz>
  3. Try building your project again: $ tns build cloud ios --accountId 1 --certificate <path to certificate> --provision <path to provision> --certificatePassword <your password> --log trace > log.txt 2>1

You can check the changes I've applied here - there are just several console.logs

Btw did you have time to try latest version of Sidekick - does the issue occur when you use it? Also does the issue occur in case you try building your project for Android (in the cloud)?

Thanks in advance for your help!

connorsleight commented 6 years ago

Hi @rosen-vladimirov I have tried the latest version of sidekick but the issue is now for the cli only. As for android, it complains about my dependencies but as the project builds for android locally, it doesnt bother me. I followed your steps and here is the result:

Loading extensions.
Asserting extension nativescript-cloud is installed.
Extension nativescript-cloud is installed.
Asserting extension nativescript-starter-kits is installed.
Extension nativescript-starter-kits is installed.
execFile: C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb "help"
Exec npm -v 
 stdout: 3.10.10

spawn: java "-version"
Exec node-gyp -v 
 stderr: 'node-gyp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Error while executing node-gyp -v: Command failed: node-gyp -v
'node-gyp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Exec "C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb" version 
 stdout: Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.39
Revision 3db08f2c6889-android
Installed as C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe

spawn: C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\tools\emulator "-help"
Result when throw error is false:
{ stdout: 'Android Emulator usage: emulator [options] [-qemu args]\r\n  options:\r\n    -list-avds                     list available AVDs\r\n    -sysdir <dir>                  search for system disk images in <dir>\r\n    -system <file>                 read initial system image from <file>\r\n    -writable-system               make system image writable after \'adb remount\'\r\n    -datadir <dir>                 write user data into <dir>\r\n    -kernel <file>                 use specific emulated kernel\r\n    -ramdisk <file>                ramdisk image (default <system>/ramdisk.img\r\n    -image <file>                  obsolete, use -system <file> instead\r\n    -initdata <file>               same as \'-init-data <file>\'\r\n    -data <file>                   data image (default <datadir>/userdata-qemu.img\r\n    -partition-size <size>         system/data partition size in MBs\r\n    -cache <file>                  cache partition image (default is temporary file)\r\n    -cache-size <size>             cache partition size in MBs\r\n    -no-cache                      disable the cache partition\r\n    -nocache                       same as -no-cache\r\n    -sdcard <file>                 SD card image (default <datadir>/sdcard.img\r\n    -snapstorage <file>            file that contains all state snapshots (default <datadir>/snapshots.img)\r\n    -no-snapstorage                do not mount a snapshot storage file (this disables all snapshot functionality)\r\n    -snapshot <name>               name of snapshot within storage file for auto-start and auto-save (default \'default-boot\')\r\n    -no-snapshot                   perform a full boot and do not do not auto-save, but qemu vmload and vmsave operate on snapstorage\r\n    -no-snapshot-save              do not auto-save to snapshot on exit: abandon changed state\r\n    -no-snapshot-load              do not auto-start from snapshot: perform a full boot\r\n    -snapshot-list                 show a list of available snapshots\r\n    -no-snapshot-update-time       do not do try to correct snapshot time on restore\r\n    -wipe-data                     reset the user data image (copy it from initdata)\r\n    -avd <name>                    use a specific android virtual device\r\n    -skindir <dir>                 search skins in <dir> (default <system>/skins)\r\n    -skin <name>                   select a given skin\r\n    -no-skin                       deprecated: create an AVD with no skin instead\r\n    -noskin                        same as -no-skin\r\n    -memory <size>                 physical RAM size in MBs\r\n    -accel <mode>                  Configure emulation acceleration\r\n    -no-accel                      Same as \'-accel off\'\r\n    -ranchu                        Use new emulator backend instead of the classic one\r\n    -engine <engine>               Select engine. auto|classic|qemu2\r\n    -netspeed <speed>              maximum network download/upload speeds\r\n    -netdelay <delay>              network latency emulation\r\n    -netfast                       disable network shaping\r\n    -code-profile <name>           enable code profiling\r\n    -show-kernel                   display kernel messages\r\n    -shell                         enable root shell on current terminal\r\n    -no-jni                        disable JNI checks in the Dalvik runtime\r\n    -nojni                         same as -no-jni\r\n    -logcat <tags>                 enable logcat output with given tags\r\n    -no-audio                      disable audio support\r\n    -noaudio                       same as -no-audio\r\n    -audio <backend>               use specific audio backend\r\n    -raw-keys                      disable Unicode keyboard reverse-mapping (deprecated)\r\n    -radio <device>                redirect radio modem interface to character device\r\n    -port <port>                   TCP port that will be used for the console\r\n    -ports <consoleport>,<adbport> TCP ports used for the console and adb bridge\r\n    -onion <image>                 use overlay PNG image over screen\r\n    -onion-alpha <%age>            specify onion-skin translucency\r\n    -onion-rotation 0|1|2|3        specify onion-skin rotation\r\n    -dpi-device <dpi>              specify device\'s resolution in dpi (default 165)\r\n    -scale <scale>                 scale emulator window (deprecated)\r\n    -http-proxy <proxy>            make TCP connections through a HTTP/HTTPS proxy\r\n    -timezone <timezone>           use this timezone instead of the host\'s default\r\n    -dns-server <servers>          use this DNS server(s) in the emulated system\r\n    -cpu-delay <cpudelay>          throttle CPU emulation\r\n    -no-boot-anim                  disable animation for faster boot\r\n    -no-window                     disable graphical window display\r\n    -version                       display emulator version number\r\n    -report-console <socket>       report console port to remote socket\r\n    -gps <device>                  redirect NMEA GPS to character device\r\n    -keyset <name>                 specify keyset file name\r\n    -shell-serial <device>         specific character device for root shell\r\n    -tcpdump <file>                capture network packets to file\r\n    -bootchart <timeout>           enable bootcharting\r\n    -charmap <file>                use specific key character map\r\n    -prop <name>=<value>           set system property on boot\r\n    -shared-net-id <number>        join the shared network, using IP address 10.1.2.<number>\r\n    -gpu <mode>                    set hardware OpenGLES emulation mode\r\n    -camera-back <mode>            set emulation mode for a camera facing back\r\n    -camera-front <mode>           set emulation mode for a camera facing front\r\n    -webcam-list                   lists web cameras available for emulation\r\n    -screen <mode>                 set emulated screen mode\r\n    -force-32bit                   always use 32-bit emulator\r\n    -selinux <disabled|permissive> Set SELinux to either disabled or permissive mode\r\n    -unix-pipe <path>              Add <path> to the list of allowed Unix pipes\r\n    -fixed-scale                   Use fixed 1:1 scale for the initial emulator window.\r\n\r\n     -qemu args...                 pass arguments to qemu\r\n     -qemu -h                      display qemu help\r\n\r\n     -verbose                      same as \'-debug-init\'\r\n     -debug <tags>                 enable/disable debug messages\r\n     -debug-<tag>                  enable specific debug messages\r\n     -debug-no-<tag>               disable specific debug messages\r\n\r\n     -help                         print this help\r\n     -help-<option>                print option-specific help\r\n\r\n     -help-disk-images             about disk images\r\n     -help-keys                    supported key bindings\r\n     -help-debug-tags              debug tags for -debug <tags>\r\n     -help-char-devices            character <device> specification\r\n     -help-environment             environment variables\r\n     -help-keyset-file             key bindings configuration file\r\n     -help-virtual-device          virtual device management\r\n     -help-sdk-images              about disk images when using the SDK\r\n     -help-build-images            about disk images when building Android\r\n     -help-all                     prints all help content\r\n\r\n',
  stderr: '',
  exitCode: 1 }
The result of checking is Android Emulator installed is:
- stdout: Android Emulator usage: emulator [options] [-qemu args]
    -list-avds                     list available AVDs
    -sysdir <dir>                  search for system disk images in <dir>
    -system <file>                 read initial system image from <file>
    -writable-system               make system image writable after 'adb remount'
    -datadir <dir>                 write user data into <dir>
    -kernel <file>                 use specific emulated kernel
    -ramdisk <file>                ramdisk image (default <system>/ramdisk.img
    -image <file>                  obsolete, use -system <file> instead
    -initdata <file>               same as '-init-data <file>'
    -data <file>                   data image (default <datadir>/userdata-qemu.img
    -partition-size <size>         system/data partition size in MBs
    -cache <file>                  cache partition image (default is temporary file)
    -cache-size <size>             cache partition size in MBs
    -no-cache                      disable the cache partition
    -nocache                       same as -no-cache
    -sdcard <file>                 SD card image (default <datadir>/sdcard.img
    -snapstorage <file>            file that contains all state snapshots (default <datadir>/snapshots.img)
    -no-snapstorage                do not mount a snapshot storage file (this disables all snapshot functionality)
    -snapshot <name>               name of snapshot within storage file for auto-start and auto-save (default 'default-boot')
    -no-snapshot                   perform a full boot and do not do not auto-save, but qemu vmload and vmsave operate on snapstorage
    -no-snapshot-save              do not auto-save to snapshot on exit: abandon changed state
    -no-snapshot-load              do not auto-start from snapshot: perform a full boot
    -snapshot-list                 show a list of available snapshots
    -no-snapshot-update-time       do not do try to correct snapshot time on restore
    -wipe-data                     reset the user data image (copy it from initdata)
    -avd <name>                    use a specific android virtual device
    -skindir <dir>                 search skins in <dir> (default <system>/skins)
    -skin <name>                   select a given skin
    -no-skin                       deprecated: create an AVD with no skin instead
    -noskin                        same as -no-skin
    -memory <size>                 physical RAM size in MBs
    -accel <mode>                  Configure emulation acceleration
    -no-accel                      Same as '-accel off'
    -ranchu                        Use new emulator backend instead of the classic one
    -engine <engine>               Select engine. auto|classic|qemu2
    -netspeed <speed>              maximum network download/upload speeds
    -netdelay <delay>              network latency emulation
    -netfast                       disable network shaping
    -code-profile <name>           enable code profiling
    -show-kernel                   display kernel messages
    -shell                         enable root shell on current terminal
    -no-jni                        disable JNI checks in the Dalvik runtime
    -nojni                         same as -no-jni
    -logcat <tags>                 enable logcat output with given tags
    -no-audio                      disable audio support
    -noaudio                       same as -no-audio
    -audio <backend>               use specific audio backend
    -raw-keys                      disable Unicode keyboard reverse-mapping (deprecated)
    -radio <device>                redirect radio modem interface to character device
    -port <port>                   TCP port that will be used for the console
    -ports <consoleport>,<adbport> TCP ports used for the console and adb bridge
    -onion <image>                 use overlay PNG image over screen
    -onion-alpha <%age>            specify onion-skin translucency
    -onion-rotation 0|1|2|3        specify onion-skin rotation
    -dpi-device <dpi>              specify device's resolution in dpi (default 165)
    -scale <scale>                 scale emulator window (deprecated)
    -http-proxy <proxy>            make TCP connections through a HTTP/HTTPS proxy
    -timezone <timezone>           use this timezone instead of the host's default
    -dns-server <servers>          use this DNS server(s) in the emulated system
    -cpu-delay <cpudelay>          throttle CPU emulation
    -no-boot-anim                  disable animation for faster boot
    -no-window                     disable graphical window display
    -version                       display emulator version number
    -report-console <socket>       report console port to remote socket
    -gps <device>                  redirect NMEA GPS to character device
    -keyset <name>                 specify keyset file name
    -shell-serial <device>         specific character device for root shell
    -tcpdump <file>                capture network packets to file
    -bootchart <timeout>           enable bootcharting
    -charmap <file>                use specific key character map
    -prop <name>=<value>           set system property on boot
    -shared-net-id <number>        join the shared network, using IP address 10.1.2.<number>
    -gpu <mode>                    set hardware OpenGLES emulation mode
    -camera-back <mode>            set emulation mode for a camera facing back
    -camera-front <mode>           set emulation mode for a camera facing front
    -webcam-list                   lists web cameras available for emulation
    -screen <mode>                 set emulated screen mode
    -force-32bit                   always use 32-bit emulator
    -selinux <disabled|permissive> Set SELinux to either disabled or permissive mode
    -unix-pipe <path>              Add <path> to the list of allowed Unix pipes
    -fixed-scale                   Use fixed 1:1 scale for the initial emulator window.

     -qemu args...                 pass arguments to qemu
     -qemu -h                      display qemu help

     -verbose                      same as '-debug-init'
     -debug <tags>                 enable/disable debug messages
     -debug-<tag>                  enable specific debug messages
     -debug-no-<tag>               disable specific debug messages

     -help                         print this help
     -help-<option>                print option-specific help

     -help-disk-images             about disk images
     -help-keys                    supported key bindings
     -help-debug-tags              debug tags for -debug <tags>
     -help-char-devices            character <device> specification
     -help-environment             environment variables
     -help-keyset-file             key bindings configuration file
     -help-virtual-device          virtual device management
     -help-sdk-images              about disk images when using the SDK
     -help-build-images            about disk images when building Android
     -help-all                     prints all help content

- stderr: 
Exec mono --version 
 stderr: 'mono' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Error while executing mono --version: Command failed: mono --version
'mono' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Exec git --version 
 stdout: git version

Exec gradle -v 
 stderr: 'gradle' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Error while executing gradle -v: Command failed: gradle -v
'gradle' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Exec "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_112\bin\javac" -version 
 stderr: javac 1.8.0_112

System information:
{ procInfo: 'nativescript/3.3.0',
  platform: 'win32',
  os: 'Windows 8.1 Pro 6.3.9600',
  shell: 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\cmd.exe',
  dotNetVer: '4.6.01055',
  procArch: 'x64',
  nodeVer: 'v6.11.3',
  npmVer: '3.10.10',
  javaVer: '1.7.0',
  nodeGypVer: null,
  xcodeVer: null,
  xcodeprojGemLocation: null,
  itunesInstalled: true,
  cocoapodVer: null,
  adbVer: 'Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.39',
  emulatorInstalled: true,
  monoVer: null,
  gitVer: '',
  gradleVer: null,
  javacVersion: '1.8.0_112' }
Starting watch on killswitch C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Local\Temp\sle22c22\KillSwitches\cli
Looking for project in 'C:\Users\sle22c22\Documents\NativeScriptApps\SMPO'
Project directory is 'C:\Users\sle22c22\Documents\NativeScriptApps\SMPO'.
Shasum of file C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Roaming\.nativescript-cli\EULA.pdf is 91934b2df320a237d7eb8d01ca09ab9580b7a548241afb3a5b6d4641469bfa4d
Checking EULA state: acceptedEulaHash is 91934b2df320a237d7eb8d01ca09ab9580b7a548241afb3a5b6d4641469bfa4d, currentEulaHash is 91934b2df320a237d7eb8d01ca09ab9580b7a548241afb3a5b6d4641469bfa4d.
Checked EULA state - shouldAcceptEula is false.
Ensure EULA accepted: no need to accept EULA - already accepted.
Initializing analytics statuses.
Analytics statuses:  { TrackFeatureUsage: 'disabled', TrackExceptions: 'disabled' }
Executing cloud build with platform: iOS.
Shasum of file C:\Users\sle22c22\AppData\Roaming\.nativescript-cli\EULA.pdf is 91934b2df320a237d7eb8d01ca09ab9580b7a548241afb3a5b6d4641469bfa4d
Checking EULA state: acceptedEulaHash is 91934b2df320a237d7eb8d01ca09ab9580b7a548241afb3a5b6d4641469bfa4d, currentEulaHash is 91934b2df320a237d7eb8d01ca09ab9580b7a548241afb3a5b6d4641469bfa4d.
Checked EULA state - shouldAcceptEula is false.
User-Agent: tnsCLI/3.3.0 (Node.js 6.11.3; win32; x64)
httpRequest: { proto: 'https',
  host: '',
  path: '/v2/api/accounts',
  method: 'GET',
   { Authorization: 'Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJuYmYiOjE1MTExNjgwNjMsImV4cCI6MTUxMTE3MTY2MywianRpIjoiNDQyNTgzNTIwZDIxNDI3ZThiZjJmZWRjNzZiYjAxYzkifQ.FqgqH14_sVpq_T8WdE6bZSH6Gc8M9NoB7nBgFMO-qrk',
     Accept: 'application/json',
     'User-Agent': 'tnsCLI/3.3.0 (Node.js 6.11.3; win32; x64)',
     'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate' },
  url: '',
  encoding: null,
  followAllRedirects: true }
httpRequest: Sending:
[no content]
httpRequest: Done. code = 200
/v2/api/accounts (GET api/accounts) returned 200
Starting cloud build of 'C:\Users\sle22c22\Documents\NativeScriptApps\SMPO', platform: 'iOS', configuration: 'Debug', buildId: 4901b111-8620-43fb-9bf2-4143d8f14b79.
### validateBuildProperties started
### validateBuildProperties platform is iOS and build is for device
### validateBuildProperties iOSBuildData contains required information
List of registered commands: /?, accept, accept|eula, account, account|usage, appstore, appstore|upload, autocomplete, autocomplete|disable, autocomplete|enable, autocomplete|status, build, build|android, build|cloud, build|ios, clean-app, clean-app|android, clean-app|ios, cloud, cloud|build, cloud|codesign, cloud|lib|version, cloud|publish|android, cloud|publish|ios, codesign, codesign|cloud, config, config|apply, config|reset, config|set, create, debug, debug|android, debug|ios, deploy, dev-generate-help, dev-generate-messages, dev-login, dev-post-install, dev-preuninstall, dev-test, dev-test|android, dev-test|ios, device, devices, devices|android, devices|ios, device|android, device|get-file, device|ios, device|list-applications, device|list-files, device|log, device|put-file, device|run, device|stop, device|uninstall, doctor, error-reporting, extension, extension|install, extension|uninstall, help, info, init, install, kill-server, login, logout, platform, platform|add, platform|clean, platform|remove, platform|update, plugin, plugin|add, plugin|install, plugin|remove, plugin|update, post-install-cli, prepare, proxy, proxy|clear, proxy|set, publish, publish|ios, run, run|android, run|ios, test, test|android, test|init, test|ios, update, usage-reporting, user
Reading help for command 'build|cloud'. FileName is ''.
Unknown command 'build-cloud'. Try '$ tns help' for a full list of supported commands.
rosen-vladimirov commented 6 years ago

Hey @mast3rd3mon , Thanks a lot for sending the logs. It looks like the problem raises when we try to validate the certificate you are using. In order to determine the exact point where the issue occurs, I've modified the package once again, so it should help us to determine where's the real error. I would like to kindly ask you for your help once again. Can you please follow the steps below and send us the generated log:

  1. Download the .tgz from here:!Avv1qJTtvee8iKIMDUdhqgaLqByRxQ
  2. Install it by executing $ tns extension install <path to the downloaded .tgz>
  3. Try building your project again: $ tns build cloud ios --accountId 1 --certificate <path to certificate> --provision <path to provision> --certificatePassword <your password> --log trace > log.txt 2>1

You can check the new changes I've applied here (check the second commit).

As a side note - if I understand you correctly, the new version of NativeScript Sidekick is working on your side and you are able to build the same project for iOS. Can you confirm if my understanding is correct?

Thanks again for your cooperation!

connorsleight commented 6 years ago

Unless something changed since i ran it a couple of days ago, it works fine. Ill test the new file now

connorsleight commented 6 years ago

Reading your code changes, its failing to read/open the cert. ill try a few things and report back

connorsleight commented 6 years ago

@rosen-vladimirov i tried other passwords incase it was wrong and i also used other file paths but nothing has seemed to make a difference, it doesnt seem to get past const certificateContents: any = this.$fs.readFile(certificateAbsolutePath, { encoding: 'binary' });

rosen-vladimirov commented 6 years ago

Hey @mast3rd3mon , Thanks for your investigation. It's really strange that the same certificate works in Sidekick, but it fails with CLI. NativeScritpt Sidekick uses the CLI, so practically the behavior should be the same. There's one possible cause of such difference - maybe your password has some characters that the command line is treating in a special way, for example $. By the way, are you using CLI in a command-prompt or in another terminal. Can you try the command in a pure command prompt and wrap your password in single quotes: '<your password>'.

connorsleight commented 6 years ago

i dont think it has but ill try it. ill report back

connorsleight commented 6 years ago

@rosen-vladimirov I have tried with and without quotes in the vscode terminal and normal cmd, none of the 4 configurations will run the command

connorsleight commented 6 years ago

Hi @rosen-vladimirov I just tried building with sidekick and it just sits there after hitting build and typing in my password. I'm not sure why this doesnt work anymore as it used to work fine

ggarabedian commented 6 years ago

Hello @connor-sleight,

Apologies for leaving this issue unanswered for so long. We were not able to reproduce the issue back then and we are still not able to do so today. We hope that you were able to use the newer versions of Sidekick and the CLI without experiencing the faulty behavior reported here.

With the above in mind, I will now close this issue. Please, do not hesitate to reopen it if you are still experiencing the problem and you would like us to continue investigating it.

Thank you!

sohail-kaleem commented 4 years ago

I ran into the same error using Nativescript Sidekick IOS cloud build while Android works without an error. I'm running on Ubuntu 18.x based Linux.

Version: 1.19.2-v.2019.11.18.2 (latest) NativeScript CLI version: 6.4.0 CLI extension nativescript-cloud version: 1.19.3 CLI extension nativescript-starter-kits version: 0.3.5

Error Output: [20-02-22 15:54:44.372] (CLI) (node:30057) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON --> starting at object with constructor 'Error' --- property 'errors' closes the circle at stringify () at writeChannelMessage (internal/child_process/serialization.js:118:20) at (internal/child_process.js:779:17) at (internal/child_process.js:677:19) at MessageService.sendMessage (/opt/NativeScript Sidekick/resources/app.asar.unpacked/shared/child-process/message-service.js:34:21) at sendMessage (/opt/NativeScript Sidekick/resources/app.asar.unpacked/shared/child-process/child-helpers.js:13:24) at sendErrorMessage (/opt/NativeScript Sidekick/resources/app.asar.unpacked/shared/child-process/child-helpers.js:19:9) at /opt/NativeScript Sidekick/resources/app.asar.unpacked/shared/child-process/child-helpers.js:36:17 at runMicrotasks () at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5) at emitUnhandledRejectionWarning (internal/process/promises.js:149:15) at processPromiseRejections (internal/process/promises.js:211:11) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:98:32) [20-02-22 15:54:44.376] (CLI) (node:30057) TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON --> starting at object with constructor 'Error' --- property 'errors' closes the circle at stringify () at writeChannelMessage (internal/child_process/serialization.js:118:20) at (internal/child_process.js:779:17) at (internal/child_process.js:677:19) at MessageService.sendMessage (/opt/NativeScript Sidekick/resources/app.asar.unpacked/shared/child-process/message-service.js:34:21) at sendMessage (/opt/NativeScript Sidekick/resources/app.asar.unpacked/shared/child-process/child-helpers.js:13:24) at sendErrorMessage (/opt/NativeScript Sidekick/resources/app.asar.unpacked/shared/child-process/child-helpers.js:19:9) at /opt/NativeScript Sidekick/resources/app.asar.unpacked/shared/child-process/child-helpers.js:36:17 at runMicrotasks () at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5) (node:30057) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. at emitDeprecationWarning (internal/process/promises.js:161:11) at processPromiseRejections (internal/process/promises.js:213:13) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:98:32)