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Recurring coding event (pair programming style) #87

Open Ivkaa opened 5 years ago

Ivkaa commented 5 years ago

Can be named something like "Code & Mate", "Let's code together", or anything better that comes up and it will be a meeting where programmers can work on their hobby projects or learning a new skill together. If they don't have their projects, show them small tasks on our website for example. Check similar events happening abroad for more info. Let's target javascript programmers first.

Deadline for fb event creation and exact agenda: 11. November

olso commented 5 years ago

def not Code & Mate, less sensual tbh. not giving alternative atm

Ivkaa commented 5 years ago

sure, it was first thing that came into my mind

Zovi343 commented 5 years ago

Name of the event: Let's have "fun" with JS Topic: Automation Testing With Puppeteer

Zovi343 commented 5 years ago

Here is the project which I will present at the meetup: