Progressive-Learning-Platform / PLPTool6

Prototype for PLPTool frontend interface overhaul
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Data Preprocessing and Curation #124

Open satishbhambri91 opened 6 years ago

satishbhambri91 commented 6 years ago

This part involves

  1. researching and extracting stop words for example [“document”, “story”, “machine translation”, “translation”, “figure”] -> [“machine translation”], performing NLP analysis, Word2Vec, Doc2Vec,
  2. Removing custom stopwords and removing words with upper bound and lower bound TF-IDF scores,
  3. Fixing broken words for example "natur al langua ge proce ssing” -> “natural language processing”,
  4. Noun Phrase filtering using NER for instance, Remove PERSON, LOCATION, TIME, QUANTITY Entities [“norway”, “corpus”, “machine learning”, “john blake”, “9:00AM”, “234 inch”] -> [“corpus”, “machine learning”] and
  5. Creation of Data Pipeline for model implementation.
satishbhambri91 commented 6 years ago

Considering two reflections submitted by the student Eval.txt and Eval2.txt, The Corpus file basically collects these two documents and preforms the removal of non required commonly used words using Term Frequencies(TF) and Inverse Document Frequencies(IDF). The code file and relfections are attached. The next step is to perform latent semantic analysis and then implement NLP techniques for keyword extraction.

import os
import sys
import gensim
import pandas as pd
import nltk
import math

doc = open("/Users/satishbhambri/Desktop/Eval.txt", "r+")
doc11 = open("/Users/satishbhambri/Desktop/Eval2.txt", "r+")

A =
A11 =
B = A.split(" ")
B11 = A11.split(" ")


doc2 = open("/Users/satishbhambri/Desktop/EvalCorpus.txt", "w")

doc211 = open("/Users/satishbhambri/Desktop/Eval2Corpus.txt", "w")

doc3 = open("/Users/satishbhambri/Desktop/EvalCorpus.txt", "r+")
#print("The document has been created")

C =

Many strategies but the ones I'm starting with is to create a vector of all the possible words and for each document count the number of tiumes each word appears.

This will be used to prepare a corpus of the reflections submitted by the student

wordSet (for each studnet) = set(doc1).union(set(doc2)) using sets to eliminate duplicates

doc4 = set(B) doc411 = set(B11)

converted into the set to remove the duplicates


wordDict = dict.fromkeys(doc4 , 0) wordDict11 = dict.fromkeys(doc411, 0)


Now count the number of words in my document

for word in B: wordDict[word] += 1 for word11 in B11: wordDict11[word11] += 1



Now its a linear algebra problem

We'll pass document with splitted words

def computeTF(wordDict, doc): tfDict = {} bowCount = len(doc)

for word, count in wordDict.items():
    tfDict[word] = count / float(bowCount)
return tfDict

tfBoW = computeTF(wordDict, B) tfBoW11 = computeTF(wordDict11, B11) print(tfBoW) print("And ...") print(tfBoW11)

def computeIDF(docList): idfDict = {} N = len(docList)

#Count the number of documents that contain the word w
idfDict = dict.fromkeys(docList[0].keys(), 0)
for doc in docList:
    for word,val in doc.items():
        if val > 0:
                idfDict[word] += 1
                idfDict[word] = 1 # check this try catch block once, just put in to run the code

#Divide N by denominator above and take log of that
for word, val in idfDict.items():
    idfDict[word] = math.log(N/float(val))

return idfDict

idfs = computeIDF([wordDict, wordDict11]) print(idfs)

def computeTFIDF(tfBow, idfs): tfidf = {} for word, val in tfBow.items(): tfidf[word] = val * idfs[word] return tfidf

tfidfBowA = computeTFIDF(tfBoW, idfs) tfidfBowB = computeTFIDF(tfBoW11, idfs)


print(tfidfBowA) print(tfidfBowB)

Perfectly working and hence reluting in the removal of the unneccessary common words.`

Eval2Corpus.txt EvalCorpus.txt

Eval.txt Eval2.txt

Output : {'prove': 0.00525111500424201, 'something': 0.00525111500424201, 'important': 0.00525111500424201, 'second': 0.00525111500424201, 'weight.\n\t': 0.00525111500424201, 'algorithm': 0.01050223000848402, 'member': 0.00525111500424201, 'pushed': 0.00525111500424201, 'I’m': 0.00525111500424201, 'our': 0.0, 'proud': 0.00525111500424201, 'instead': 0.00525111500424201, 'was': 0.0, 'honest': 0.00525111500424201, 'and': 0.0, 'up': 0.00525111500424201, 'perfectly': 0.00525111500424201, 'still': 0.00525111500424201, 'do': 0.01050223000848402, 'knew': 0.00525111500424201, 'lonesome.': 0.00525111500424201, 'I': 0.0, 'announced': 0.00525111500424201, 'my': 0.0, 'like': 0.01050223000848402, 'doing': 0.00525111500424201, 'sorting': 0.01050223000848402, 'of': 0.0, 'To': 0.00525111500424201, 'consensus': 0.00525111500424201, 'When': 0.00525111500424201, 'submitting,': 0.00525111500424201, 'Whether': 0.00525111500424201, 'project': 0.0, 'being': 0.01050223000848402, 'incredibly': 0.00525111500424201, 'however': 0.0, '\n': 0.00525111500424201, 'it': 0.0, 'sort': 0.0, 'going': 0.00525111500424201, 'even': 0.00525111500424201, 'final': 0.01050223000848402, 'a': 0.0, 'pressure': 0.00525111500424201, '4': 0.00525111500424201, 'team': 0.01050223000848402, 'intimidated': 0.00525111500424201, 'Professor': 0.00525111500424201, 'nervous.': 0.00525111500424201, 'assigned': 0.00525111500424201, 'group,': 0.00525111500424201, 'an': 0.00525111500424201, 'would': 0.00525111500424201, 'the': 0.0, 'different.': 0.00525111500424201, 'part': 0.0, 'hard': 0.00525111500424201, 'myself;': 0.00525111500424201, 'that': 0.0, 'we': 0.0, 'he': 0.00525111500424201, 'dead': 0.00525111500424201, 'wasn’t': 0.00525111500424201, 'initially': 0.00525111500424201, 'sorts': 0.00525111500424201, 'be': 0.0, 'before': 0.0, 'on': 0.0, 'worked': 0.00525111500424201, 'end': 0.00525111500424201, 'this': 0.0, 'very': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'so,': 0.00525111500424201, '\n\tThis': 0.00525111500424201, 'me': 0.0, 'or': 0.00525111500424201, 'by': 0.00525111500424201, 'feeling': 0.00525111500424201, 'to': 0.0, 'hard.': 0.00525111500424201, 'expected': 0.00525111500424201, 'My': 0.00525111500424201, 'code.': 0.00525111500424201, 'desire': 0.00525111500424201, 'It': 0.00525111500424201, 'about': 0.00525111500424201, 'as': 0.0} {'gave': 0.00525111500424201, 'Gnome': 0.00525111500424201, 'most': 0.00525111500424201, 'completely': 0.00525111500424201, 'come,': 0.00525111500424201, 'a': 0.0, 'intimidating': 0.00525111500424201, 'didn’t': 0.00525111500424201, 'on': 0.0, 'yet': 0.00525111500424201, 'we': 0.0, 'day': 0.00525111500424201, 'were': 0.01575334501272603, 'sort': 0.0, 'our': 0.0, 'needed': 0.00525111500424201, 'it.': 0.00525111500424201, 'as': 0.0, 'was': 0.0, 'once': 0.00525111500424201, 'task': 0.00525111500424201, 'team.': 0.00525111500424201, 'who': 0.00525111500424201, 'time.': 0.00525111500424201, 'reliable': 0.01050223000848402, 'in': 0.01050223000848402, 'part': 0.0, 'submitted': 0.00525111500424201, 'Obviously': 0.00525111500424201, 'selection': 0.02100446001696804, 'sort,': 0.00525111500424201, 'how': 0.00525111500424201, 'teammates': 0.01050223000848402, 'teammate': 0.00525111500424201, 'Two': 0.01050223000848402, 'I': 0.0, 'teaching': 0.00525111500424201, 'confidence': 0.00525111500424201, 'working': 0.02100446001696804, 'and': 0.0, 'strong': 0.00525111500424201, 'my': 0.0, 'be': 0.0, 'wildcard': 0.00525111500424201, 'submission.': 0.00525111500424201, 'of': 0.0, 'came': 0.00525111500424201, 'finish': 0.00525111500424201, 'manage': 0.00525111500424201, 'this': 0.0, 'felt': 0.00525111500424201, 'that': 0.0, 'might': 0.00525111500424201, 'entirely': 0.00525111500424201, 'very': 0.0, 'finished': 0.0, 'time,': 0.00525111500424201, 'project': 0.0, 'me': 0.0, 'however': 0.0, 'However': 0.00525111500424201, 'than': 0.00525111500424201, 'written': 0.01050223000848402, 'it': 0.0, 'the': 0.0, 'submission': 0.00525111500424201, 'to': 0.0, 'programmer,': 0.00525111500424201, 'change': 0.00525111500424201, 'faster': 0.01050223000848402, 'because': 0.00525111500424201, 'good': 0.00525111500424201, 'given': 0.00525111500424201, 'well': 0.00525111500424201, 'before': 0.0, 'implement': 0.00525111500424201, 'sort.': 0.00525111500424201, 'This': 0.00525111500424201, 'possibility': 0.00525111500424201}

Hence, the commonly used words like "I", "it", "the" yield score of 0 and could be removed.

Process finished with exit code 0