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Optimize Vol Distribution to Increase Project & Volunteer Engagement #110

Open PamelaJohn opened 7 years ago

PamelaJohn commented 7 years ago

PROBLEM: 850 Volunteers; 22 Active Projects; 16 Inactive Projects

Over-Referral of Volunteers to Projects = Disengagement

Under-Referral of Volunteers to Projects = Disengagement

More Volunteers than Projects = Disengagement

Potential Solutions

stephenscapelliti commented 7 years ago

Propose, as a "Potential Solution", the willingness/feasibility of members trained in an uncommon tech to train/guide others willing to learn.

rapicastillo commented 7 years ago

Consent to Consider and Proceed

rapicastillo commented 7 years ago
PamelaJohn commented 7 years ago

@rapicastillo I spoke at length with @devin and @jpb5013 about creating an opt-in "Members Directory" similar to the Volunteer link on the ProgCode tool kit.

Members would create a very short listing, bubbling in tech stack/language/platform skills, experiences and interests and include how much time they have to volunteer as well as preferred means of contact (DM or email). Ideally it would be easy for them to update in case time availability changes.

@jpb5013 & I will try to fold this issue into larger, process issues and eventually close this issue. [@jpb5013 / @devin, please correct any misstatements or add on anything I may have forgotten to include. Thanks!]

adcor commented 6 years ago

Hello all (This is Unsio). So I had some thoughts on engagement. That it might be good to have some regularly scheduled reasons for people to just hang out while maybe working on stuff. These were the ideas I had so far.

Programming Show and tell (Is there a personal project you've been working on? A technology or library you love, share it here),

Code and a Movie (Come hang out, watch a movie (or show), hack leisurely on some projects.)

Coders explain code to non-coders (Don't know a thing about code? Want to learn a little more so you can better communicate your ideas. Come learn the basics, the lingo, so that you can communicate effectively with your friendly neighborhood programmers)

Mentor/mentee hour (Are You a junior dev? Would you like help getting to the next level? Come join the mentor mentee hour, meet a mentor who you can discuss your issues with. Develop the skills to become a better prog coder, and a better programmer.)

Monthly Virtual Hackathon (Time to go all out. Intense session for programmers and non programmers to come online and rip through project issues. ) --lol, probably a better way of articulating this.

stephenscapelliti commented 6 years ago

Adiron, these are fantastic suggestions! Much of this probably could be accomplished easily enough using a Zoom conference link and some well-laid out agendas.

Several members during onboarding sessions have offered to be mentors, while others have said that they would love the opportunity to learn from more-experienced coders. And those of us who don't code always struggle with both the terminology and context. I just learned the relevance of HTML5, CSS, and Java from Aubrey. Both of these topics could be useful in the Virtual Conference..

Would you mind posting these in the #pitch-zone channel?

adcor commented 6 years ago

Will do!

PamelaJohn commented 6 years ago

Really brilliant ideas @adcor! Do you envision a particular channel (or maybe multiple channels) for these ideas or maybe periodically scheduled video calls? Would love to hear your thoughts around the process that each engagement activity would take. Super exciting!

jpb5013 commented 6 years ago

These are awesome @adcor. Do you think any of these could be applicable through chat rather than video call? I have to imagine video call is one of the bigger hurdles people have to getting involved, so if we had some activities happening live through chat at a designated time I think that could encourage broader participation.