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Join Universal Healthcare Action Blitz as a Major Partner #195

Closed rapicastillo closed 7 years ago

rapicastillo commented 7 years ago

Required Information


Universal Healthcare Action Blitz is a one-day event in New York where several progressive professional networks will come together to create tech, media, and content assets and build resource capacity for the fight for Universal Health Care.

To create technological and creative assets for the organizations fighting for Universal Healthcare. ProgCode has gone through a series of interviews with health care organizations, and have pinpointed ways we can be of support for the fight for Universal Health Care. For this Health Care Blitz, we aim to build a healthcare calculator of the public at large and for small businesses, a peer-to-peer petitioning system, and a speaker calendar/needs pipeline.

The Universal Health Care bill in the state senate right now only needs two YES, and a push for the Health Committee chair to push for it to be put in the agenda. That's why this blitz is necessary.


There are a lot of professional progressive networks in New York which encompasses Progressive coders, data analysts, designers, advertisers, videographers, documentarians, editors, etc. This action blitz aims to gather these talents and have a day of action focused on boosting the tech and creative assets of these organizations.


This could be a start of other action blitzes where we aim to reachout to stake holders, build relationships, and boost their tech and creative assets. Great way to solidify partnerships as well.

The Universal Health Care bill in the state senate right now only needs two YES, and a push for the Health Committee chair to push for it to be put in the agenda. That's why this blitz is necessary.

IF we can help get NY to set the stage for Universal Health Care, we can set the stage for a single-payer healthcare nationally.

Sets the stage of a highly issue-focused, issue-driven action to be done by emergent networks.


Decision Making

By Consent

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Reference link(s)


jpb5013 commented 7 years ago

If it's a ProgCode action I'd want to ensure that these efforts are building for scalable execution, not just for New York. It seems to be written that way but wanted to explicitly call it out.

Prog Hack Night and whatever else seem like good avenues. Only concern is the March for Truth aspect, which seems to be about Russia. I'm not seeing the connection to Healthcare and would be uneasy with ProgCode being affiliated with the event. The Russia thing has been a Democrat talking point for quite a while, so this aspect feels rather partisan to me and out of scope for ProgCode.

rcscastillo commented 7 years ago

The March for Truth aspect of it is just to talk to folks from the march and have them interviewed by OnStack about their health care stories. There's no co-partnership with March for Truth at all, and the thinking is "since the march is happening nearby, and there are a lot of people going there, why not interview some of those who are there for their stories on Healthcare?" there are other actions happening that day (I think one in Long Island calling for the support of the bill to Assemblyman Hannon), and OnStack is going to target folks on the ground as well.

It is indeed just in New York, we're looking if we can do this locally and pull it off, it can expand nationally. @jpb5013

rcscastillo commented 7 years ago

On the partisan definition, again, I feel that that definition is contentious. What may be partisan to you may not be partisan to anyone. For me at least, your definition of partisanship here is problematic. Unless we define "partisanship" as strictly, "working towards an election of a candidate adhering to a candidate." Unless we have a definite definition of what is or what is not partisan, we can only adhere to a dictionary/wikipedia definition of it which is

In politics, a partisan is a committed member of a political party. In multi-party systems, the term is used for politicians who strongly support their party's policies and are reluctant to compromise with their political opponents.

We will continue having these issues. Having a ProgCode definition of things – in this case "partisan" – could be a way to solve much of the issues we are having as we navigate this very ambiguous space! 😄

I will be opening an issue for this!

rcscastillo commented 7 years ago

Also applied edits for clarity, @jpb5013 ! ^_^

rcscastillo commented 7 years ago

Here's the request from ActionBlitz


Hi ProgCode team,

I am reaching out and would love to ask for the participation of ProgCode at the Universal Health Care Action Blitz, happening on June 3 at Civic Hall, from 9am-6pm.

A number of progressive professional networks are working together and coordinating with organizations pushing for universal healthcare. This event coincides with the week of action being organized for Universal Healthcare.

The Action Blitz is designed to boost the tech and creative assets of healthcare organizations. From the tech sector, we are going to build Health Care calculators, peer-to-peer petitioning, and Speaker calendars, and help make campaign websites.

On the creatives side, we aim to create hundreds of graphics in support for the cause, produce in depth health care stories , man on the ground videos for folks on the ground, and more.

Your organization's participation is highly valued for the success of this day of action. We only have less than 50 days to bring universal health care in New York!

This is our Call to Action!

I would love to go on a call with you to discuss more about this. Pls let me know when would be a great time to do so. More information at the proposal attached.

In solidarity,

Ananda, Ellen, David, Kathryn, Ling, Rapi UH ActionBlitz Steering Committee

===== EMAIL ENDS HERE =====

rcscastillo commented 7 years ago

Backing this off, as with HackTheBan, ProgCode as a network cannot participate as an official partner but rather as a force of support.