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Establish ProgCode as non-profit entity and sustainability plan #209

Open jpb5013 opened 6 years ago

jpb5013 commented 6 years ago

Required Information


Defining the key activities which will enable ProgCode to become a non-profit organization and establish sustainable funding sources. ...


ProgCode does not yet have non-profit status and it is sometimes difficult to prioritize the important over the urgent. ...


This will help define exactly what we need to do, by when and whom, ensuring we stay coordinated and on track. ...


Item Owner Expected Delivery Complete?
Complete Bylaws Stephen
Appoint Board Rapi
Ratify Bylaws Community, Board
Complete 1024 application Stephen
Send application to IRS Stephen
Create Theory of Change Document Joe
Create ProgCode pitch deck Joe
Provide healthcare recommendations Stephen
Identify funding organizations Rapi
Identify funding platforms Rapi
Identify funding partners Rapi
Identify funding individual donors Rapi
Develop non-profit compliant communications Pamela
Establish project schedule
Establish daily communications
Write blog detailing pitch
Develop updated budget plan
Register to do business in New York
Year one review blog
Year two strategy/priorities


Decision Making

Consent to continue ...

Optional Information

Reference link(s)


PamelaJohn commented 6 years ago

If there are any areas I can be of assistance, I am happy to help do my part!

stephenscapelliti commented 6 years ago

One correction is that ProgCode does have non-profit status, which was obtained with the filing of non-profit Articles of Incorporation with the State of Michigan on 03-06-17. It is lacking tax-exempt status, which must be obtained from the IRS with the filing of a Form 1024. ProgCod will be seeking tax-exempt status as a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization, consistent with the earlier decision of the community.

PamelaJohn commented 6 years ago

Should we add: Open a bank account; Date the application to do business in NY was sent to Albany (7.27.2017)?