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Private Channels #222

Open jpb5013 opened 6 years ago

jpb5013 commented 6 years ago

Required Information


Proposal to address multiple private channel items, including:


Several reasons:


People will have better understanding of how ProgCode works, ability to discuss with other contributors, and acknowledgement for regular contributors ...


Decision Making

Consent to implement ...

Optional Information

Reference link(s)


PamelaJohn commented 6 years ago

10.16.2017 Consent to Implement sought. 10.19.2017 Consent to Implement approved by the community without objection. This change can be implemented per the ProgCode Change Process.

PamelaJohn commented 6 years ago

At the 10.16.2017 meeting, David Jay raised some great adjacent questions which the body didn't fully address but which would be good to address in the updated functions Wiki re: the #pcn-contributors private channel.

It's a good idea to have a private space to discuss any community members who may not be abiding by community norms. Some questions which arise are: 1) What actions are to be taken, if any; 2) Who is allowed in that private space, how are those decisions made, how is communication made within the community? 3) What is the process for creating new private channels (i.e., is it just a vote in the Operations Meeting?) and is there a norm about how information stated in private channels is shared (i.e., Fight Club Rules: what's said in the private channel stays in the private channel.)

The above text is posted in the new #pcn-contributors channel for discussion & updating the Wiki. (Tagging in @jpb5013 because you've got access to the Wiki)

Notes from the 10.16.2017 Ops Meeting

PamelaJohn commented 6 years ago

Also at the 10.16.2017 meeting, Josh Cohen at OSDI invited ProgCode members to help codify a policy of Conflicts Resolution & Code of Conduct. They appointed VP of Diversity & Inclusion, Sonya Reynolds, and formed a committee to work on this issue. There's a need for a common description of isolating behaviors that exclude people as well as offensive behavior and a conflict resolution policy to take an inclusive approach for restorative justice and concessions which need to be made. Josh is doing recruiting for Sonya but she will take the lead on secondary steps.

jpb5013 commented 6 years ago

I am interested in joining and would like to commit 5 minutes or more per week

adcor commented 6 years ago

I am interested in Joining nd would like to commit 5 minutes or more per week.

PamelaJohn commented 6 years ago

Ditto, I'm interested in joining the private channel and commit to contributing at least 5 minutes per week of my time to volunteer at ProgCode!

stephenscapelliti commented 6 years ago

I will commit at least 5 minutes per week for the ProgCode community.

PamelaJohn commented 6 years ago

2017.11.01 - Jody DM'd and would like to be added to the list. She will commit at least 5 minutes per week to volunteer for the ProgCode community.

[I'll see if she wants to set up time for a quick GitHub tutorial!]

jpb5013 commented 6 years ago

David Jay signed up for the volunteer sign up sheet, adding to channel