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Standard Change: Implement Consented Channel Updates #224

Open PamelaJohn opened 6 years ago

PamelaJohn commented 6 years ago

Many Operations Issues related to Slack channel updates remain open. All of the open issues have either:

  1. received community buy-in, vote and consent but have not been implemented; or
  2. are now moot due to subsequent changes which have already been implemented.


Following are the open GitHub Operations Functions related to channels/channel description which have been discussed, received community buy-in, were voted on and given consent:

Private Channels #222 Move Jobs opportunity to #job-seekers, and change jobs-and-vols to volunteer-opportunities #178 Restrict creation of private channels #153 Review default channel descriptions and contact #138


Existing channel descriptions:

  1. Create confusion among new members
  2. Do not reflect the values and culture of the community
  3. Are front-facing and linked to via the website, the Toolkit & are referenced in New Member Onboarding sessions



Implementing channel description changes:


Decision Making

Since consent has already been given to the foregoing changes, this issue is intended to notify the community that the foregoing changes will be implemented immediately.