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Application for Federal Government Grants #228

Open stephenscapelliti opened 6 years ago

stephenscapelliti commented 6 years ago

Proposal: ProgCode Application for Federal Government Grants

ProgCode might qualify for federal grants which are made available to non-profit, tax-exempt organizations through various federal agencies, for programs related to education, health, and social welfare. The grant process is dynamic, and grant availability and qualification criteria is varied. Postings for the grants are available to the public through


This initiative seeks a community decision as to whether ProgCode should seek grants from the U.S. government.


In the event that ProgCode wishes to apply for a grant, it must create a profile with

The process for creating a profile requires that ProgCode register its name, address, EIN, tax status, and similar information. It also requires that ProgCode provide a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. In order to obtain a DUNS number, ProgCode must register with Dun & Bradstreet, a private organization which issues the DUNS number. The government claims to use this number "to better identify related organizations that are receiving funding under grants and cooperative agreements, and to provide consistent name and address data for electronic grant application systems."


This provides ProgCode option of participating in government programs which are related to the ProgCode mission, for which large-dollar grants are available. Those grants will help fund operations and provide additional opportunities to fulfill the ProgCode mission. ProgCode might apply separately or in conjunction with network partners. This could enhance ProgCode's relationship with similarly situated social welfare organizations.


Decision Making

Consent to implement.

Optional Information

Reference link(s)

  1. Grants website.
  2. Explanation for the requirement of a DUNS number.
  3. ProgCode Operations Change Process.
stephenscapelliti commented 6 years ago

The Apple Developer Program was revised in the past three weeks to waive the annual $99 membership fee for non-profit organizations. A DUNS number is required to register.