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ProgCode Operations Agenda Items and To-Dos. Join the Ops Team in #operations on Slack!
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Advertising ProgCode Staff Positions #245

Open King-Mob opened 5 years ago

King-Mob commented 5 years ago


Put together a web page for people who want to become politically active to join ProgCode as staff members.


Staff have too much to do, and even more ideas on things they could do. Getting coders to do staff work is hard, and staff don't have time to find their replacements.


Staff have more time to give to ProgCode, leading to more things being done.


  1. Write the role description
  2. Make it possible to link somehow. My preference would be a web page on ProgCode's site but a Google Doc could work as well.
  3. Start sharing the description. Could be done in an open way, just by posting the link everywhere interested people could be found, or in a more selective way, by approaching people that we know personally.
  4. Vet the respondents for commitment and value alignment.

Decision Making

Staff consent.

stephenscapelliti commented 5 years ago

The ProgCode Volunteer Sign-up Sheet might be helpful for describing the tasks associated with role descriptions.

PamelaJohn commented 5 years ago

Agree with this issue. I think @adcor may have mentioned this strategy in a past Operations Meeting as well. We do presently have volunteer contributors eager to help make website updates so the timing is good on this.

It also occurred to me recently that if the Ops Team were to onboard backlogged To-Dos as Projects for inclusion on the GitHub & Airtable project lists, new members scouring those lists for a place to make a contribution would find easy means of helping to resolve the Operations Tasks Backlog and simultaneously serve as a means for new members to organically engage with Operations.

Shall we put this issue on the next Ops Planning Agenda to discuss alongside the idea of forking the Happy Dev Coop Jobs Board (work in progress last I heard a few months ago)? We could hopefully carry over key takeaways from this convo to the Operations Meeting Agenda for a vote to continue discussing the design of a Help Wanted section and/or Jobs Board?

stephenscapelliti commented 5 years ago

I like that idea, Pamela. It will be interesting to see whether there is any crossover between the two agenda items.