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How to schedule a meeting in Zoom #246

Open stephenscapelliti opened 6 years ago

stephenscapelliti commented 6 years ago

Scheduling A Zoom Meeting


This provides basic instructions for scheduling a Zoom conference to take place at a later time and for adding the conference to Google calendar.


Staff and other members occasionally want to schedule Zoom conferences to occur at a later date, to invite others to the conferences, and/or to include the conference on the ProgCode calendar.


1. Open your Zoom program (make sure that you're signed in on a paid Zoom account, if the meeting length is more than 40 minutes).

2. Select "Schedule" from the Zoom menu.

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A scheduler window will open (next step)

3. Select meeting settings from the Scheduler window.

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When you're done, select "Schedule" at the bottom of the Scheduler window.

4. Once you've clicked "Schedule", Zoom will open your browser to whatever calendar you chose on the Scheduler (usually Google). Zoom will prompt you to log in. Select the account. If you're signed in on a different gmail account, Zoom will post the meeting to the calendar for that account.

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5. Zoom will prompt you to authorize Zoom to access the ProgCode admin Google Calendar. Select "Allow".

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6. Zoom will open your calendar and show details about the meeting, including the video link, which you may copy and share with anyone. You may edit "Event details" (including some selections made in the Scheduler window in Step 3 above) and "Guests" (more in the next step). You may grant guest participants permissions under "Guests can".

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7. You can add guest participants individually by typing their e-mail addresses in "Add guests". You'll have the option of sending them an e-mail in the next steps.

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8. If you've saved e-mails as groups in Google Contacts, you can add groups by typing the group name in "Add guests".

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9. When you're satisfied with the Details and Guests information, select "Save" in the upper-right of the display. Zoom will ask "Would you like to send invitations to guests?"

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10. If you elect to send invitations, Zoom will let you know whether listed guests' e-mail addresses are outside of the "" account. Invite them by selecting "Invite External Guests", or select "Continue Editing" if you'd like to remove them or invite others.

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11. When your final selection is made in Step 10 (above), the event will appear in your calendar.

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12. You can edit the event by selecting it in the Calendar and then selecting the pencil icon to open the event. If you edit the event and save the edit, you'll be asked whether to update the invitations to guests.

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Optional Information

Reference link(s)

Instructions on the Zoom website.