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Standard Change - Purchase a ProgCode Zoom account #248

Open stephenscapelliti opened 5 years ago

stephenscapelliti commented 5 years ago


This is a proposal to purchase a renewable annual Pro Plan account from Zoom Video Communications for access by ProgCode Operations Staff in fulfillment of the ProgCode mission.


For the most part, ProgCode is a virtual community. It relies in great part on technology such as messaging, collaboration tools, and videoconferencing to connect our members. ProgCode uses Zoom as its preferred videoconferencing tech, due to its ease of use, features, and superior performance compared with other videoconferencing sources. It is a necessity for meetings, onboarding sessions, the Virtual Conference, and, most recently, the first ProgCode podcast.

A free Zoom account limits a meeting of three or more persons to 40 minutes, which is impractical for most ProgCode needs. The lowest level paid account (i.e., Pro Plan) allows up to 100 conference participants for an unlimited time period. Since our founding, ProgCode has relied on the use of individuals' personal paid Zoom accounts, which has worked well but leaves the community exposed to the risk of lack of access. Now that fundraising has improved, ProgCode can afford the annual fee of $149.90. The account also could be enhanced for webinar services on an as-needed basis for special events such as the Virtual Conference.


A centralized videoconferencing service account will facilitate continued community use for meetings, onboarding sessions, podcasts, special events, and such other uses which fulfill the ProgCode mission. This will reduce community reliance on paid accounts owned by individual members and increase the reliability of the service when needed. A ProgCode account also may be used in conjunction with other personal paid accounts of Staff members to provide greater scheduling flexibility, such as conducting two or more simultaneous videoconferences.

Expenditure Analysis

This proposed solution would require a minor annual expenditure (currently $149.90). The requirements of Issues #198 and #236 are applicable, as follows:

Proposals seeking consent for implementation of budget requests and/or change process should not contradict ProgCode core objective and should pass this four-pronged test when considered by operations:

  1. Is this proposal non-partisan in nature? Yes
  2. Is this proposal aligned with ProgCode's mission of removing the influence of big money in politics? Yes
  3. Does this proposal seek to empower the grassroots by supporting the creation of open source tech? Yes
  4. Is this proposal sponsored or funded by an outside organization? If yes, the source of the funding must be disclosed. No


Decision Making

Consent to implement a standard change per the Change Process

Optional Information

Reference link(s)

Community Discussion History:

PamelaJohn commented 5 years ago

Looks great to me! With regard to this item in the Plan:

Reassign all recurring ProgCode meetings and schedule all future ProgCode meetings to the ProgCode Zoom account, to the extent necessary or convenient to Staff.

We'll need to make a list of the URLs that need switching so that all references to them in documents can be updated, as well as find out whether changing the URL will result in any broken links on the Toolkit.