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Upgrading our Tech Stack and available hosting resources #253

Open rmd6502 opened 5 years ago

rmd6502 commented 5 years ago

Posted by Alex Vanino - - @Alex Vanino on slack.


This issue was created to discuss options available to us for additional VPS/Server hosting options. We should also consider some of the other cloud based services that we can take advantage of, such as cloud e-mail and collaboration hosting.


Our current hosting solution using Heroku Dyno's is too limited due to the nature of containers. It's also not going to be sustainable from a cost standpoint if we grow and need to utilize more resources on the Heroku account.


If we can get a decent linux VPS or dedicated server, there is a lot more we can offer and do such as:


  1. Create an inventory of currently hosted and available resources.

  2. I would Highly recommend if we aren't already is to register with Techsoup is an organization that works with 501c3's to help them gain deep discounts on commercial products. It's free, with no commitments, so I see no reason why we shouldn't sign up.

To Do's

Solution Options & Reference link(s)

All of the solutions below will offer either extremely cheap, but reliable services, or Free services.

VPS Hosts

Both of these hosts are great. You can't go wrong with either one of them. VPS's generally start at $5 a month, and both hosts support building out a private network.

Dedicated Hosts

The following hosts are cheap but generally offer crap support and mediocre hardware.

Cloud Hosting

Each cloud host offers their own introduction credits or time period. On top of that their are discounts as well.

Your prices on compute are going to depend on your particular use case and your discounting approach with AWS and Azure, since Google Sustained Usage Discounts are automatically applied.

If you are not using AWS Reserved Instances and don’t have a Microsoft EA discount for Azure, Google Cloud is going to be cheaper in most scenarios. If you commonly need the performance requirements of local SSD (vs attached storage like Persistent Disk), you’re going to pay a premium for it on Google Cloud. Azure consistently matches or beats AWS on price for on-demand. AWS is likely not going to be the cheapest in most of these scenarios but it is often in the middle.

Taking advantage of all the free credit promotions would be the way to go here.

E-Mail and Team Collaboration Services

Project Management

Decision Making

  1. Get quotes or offers from VPS companies or people willing to host colocated hardware.
  2. Present offers/quotes from step 1 at an Operations Meeting.
  3. Community vote on options.
  4. Implement, Deploy solutions that were chosen.