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Standard Change: Retain accounting services for ProgCode #257

Open stephenscapelliti opened 4 years ago

stephenscapelliti commented 4 years ago


This is a proposal to contract accounting services for Progressive Coders Network and for Progressive Coders Network II.


ProgCode has not established formal books of account. Donations to ProgCode have not exceeded the threshold level of $50,000 necessary for reporting on a standard Form 990 tax return. However, ProgCode has established a 501(c)(3) entity (Progressive Coders Network II), pursuant to Issue #250, which requires the transfer of certain assets from the c4 entity to the c3 entity, and it is advisable that the asset transfer be reflected in books of account. Community-wide inquiries to recruit for these services were issued in the ProgCode Slack, and there were no responses.


Retaining an independent contractor for accounting services will ensure compliance with IRS requirements. The accountant or accounting firm will establish formal books of account for both ProgCode c3 and c4, as well as monitor financial matters and file annual returns and other periodic reports. This will enable the community to anticipate increased revenue levels. In anticipation of the goals listed in Issue #250, increased revenue, staffing, and other revenue-based activities will be reflected in books of account for improved operations, transparency to the community, and accountability to the community and to government agencies.

Expenditure Analysis

This proposed solution would require periodic expenditures for accounting services. The purchase of an accounting software program is addressed in Issue #256 "Standard Change - Purchase and implement a ProgCode accounting software system"


  1. An accountant and/or accounting firm qualified and skilled in preparing and analyzing financial records of a non-profit organization
  2. Ability to review and analyze transactions, particularly donations, grants, and the payment of expenses
  3. Report to the Directors and/or other staff, as authorized by the community, regarding all financial and tax matters of Progressive Coders Network and Progressive Coders Network II
  4. Counsel and advise regarding the acquisition and use of appropriate accounting software.

Based on the above-criteria, ProgCode staff have contacted and interviewed several accountants and accounting firms, as reflected in the Accounting Services Matrix. Proposals and quotes were sought from each. Of the persons contacted, only Kristy S. Orns, CPA of Fisher Spiegel Kunkle & Gerber, PLLC in Battle Creek, Michigan provided a proposal. She quoted an hourly rate of $160.00.

The requirements of Issues #198 and #236 are applicable, as follows:

Proposals seeking consent for implementation of budget requests and/or change process should not contradict ProgCode core objective and should pass this four-pronged test when considered by operations:

  1. Is this proposal non-partisan in nature? Yes
  2. Is this proposal aligned with ProgCode's mission of removing the influence of big money in politics? Yes
  3. Does this proposal seek to empower the grassroots by supporting the creation of open source tech? Yes
  4. Is this proposal sponsored or funded by an outside organization? If yes, the source of the funding must be disclosed. No


Decision Making

Consent to implement a standard change per the Change Process

Optional Information

Reference link(s)

Community Discussion History

stephenscapelliti commented 4 years ago

Consent to proceed was granted, by unanimous vote at a Community Operations meeting on June 29, 2020. The final vote was counted 72 hours following the meeting, as required under the Change Process.

stephenscapelliti commented 3 years ago

Tonight, July 20, 2020, Issue #257 is again on the meeting agenda for discussion and for vote for consent to implement the proposal.

LPaulson1985 commented 3 years ago


LPaulson1985 commented 3 years ago
