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Standard Change: Connect ProgCode Channels to Element #259

Open jpb5013 opened 3 years ago

jpb5013 commented 3 years ago

Required Information


Connect standard ProgCode Slack channels managed by ProgCode to the ProgCode Element instance.


Slack is limited to a 10,000 message history and 10 integrations. It is also closed source, so limited ability to make customizations.


Will enable improve collaboration and increased productivity.


Decision Making

Consent to proceed

Optional Information

Reference link(s)


joemcl commented 3 years ago

So is this the start of a transition from Slack over to Element? I've never used Element, can someone post a side by side comparison? Is Progcode self hosting? Thanks!

joemcl commented 3 years ago

Found a side by side here -

noahsbwilliams commented 3 years ago

@joemcl from what I gathered last night, there seem to be two different visions.

One is more "replacement" & the other is more "value add/augmentation".

Personally, I think the latter is more appropriate for ProgCode. Trying to rip everyone out of Slack could cause a fracture in the community with lots of confusion, which we don't want.

noahsbwilliams commented 3 years ago

Technical outline (what binaries run where):

Matrix server

Image: matrixdotorg/synapse

Postgres database

Image: postgres

TURN server

Image: coturn/coturn

Element Web

Image: vectorim/element-web

noahsbwilliams commented 3 years ago

Production Considerations

Should we decide to stand this up in production, we'll have to consider...


Security & Privacy


Any crucial component of ProgCode comms infrastructure must be highly available.

Proximate services & external dependencies

Anything that will have a privacy policy we have to read


beriniwlew commented 3 years ago

@noahsbwilliams, keep in mind that we are thinking about puttting under the ProgCode umbrella. That's something we'll have to discuss in the next meetings.