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Donation and Finance Platform #261

Open LPaulson1985 opened 3 years ago

LPaulson1985 commented 3 years ago

Update 4.6.21: Carlos will be bringing in a presentation or demo so we can see the working platform for Open Collective. After reviewing and demo, I move to have a Vote on whether to implement these services to consolidate existing subscription services and streamline expense and finance management process.
In order to consolidate cost, function, services, and support staff- Move to further discuss research on Open Collective as a value-aligned, open-source, multi-functional finance management and donation platform. Open Collective offers financial document organization, finance management tools, and allows donors to make recurring monthly donations. This should be helpful for staff until we find a CPA and will position us to be funded, having a very clear, organized, and consolidated place for all financials to show grant officers and organizations.