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Standard Change - EnviroTrack Development Budget Proposal #277

Open stephenscapelliti opened 1 year ago

stephenscapelliti commented 1 year ago


This is a proposal to authorize a budget for the expenditure of funds toward the development of EnviroTrack.


EnviroTrack is a community project within the The ProgCode community. It has been a centerpiece of the pitch in the community's efforts to procure grant funding, which resulted in conditional approval of a forthcoming grant which has been disclosed to the ProgCode community. Advancement of the project - which consists of the development of both hardware and software - has been dependent upon expenditures by individual members of the development team, and particularly by Robert Diamond. They include hosting, components, third-party analysis, and related expenses. In the aggregate, these expenditures burden the developers and slow the progress of this important project.


Once ProgCode receives funding for operations, the community may consider and approve a budget for each fiscal period which provides funding for key functions such as community projects, services, subscriptions, and staffing. In the meantime, it is necessary to seek community approval on a case-by-case basis for functions that the community deems necessary to ProgCode operations.

Establishing a one-time budget - with the option of amending that budget based on need and available revenues - will enable the community to continue development of this important project and to reimburse certain expenses incurred by the EnviroTrack team members.

Expenditure Analysis

Robert Diamond has incurred at least $545.86 of the costs associated with EnviroTrack. Most of these expenditures were made on an as-needed basis, for the expediency of development, with disclosure to the development team. Robert also has notified at least two of the Directors of these expenditures and of the need for additional expenditures, during Community Operations meetings. Staff Member Arique Aguilar - who is recruiting student members to volunteer on the EnviroTrack team - consulted with Robert regarding the project status and need, and they recommend that the community approve a budget of 2.5 times the amount of current expenditures [$545.86 x 2.5 = $1,364.65].


The interim budget for EnviroTrack should provide sufficient funding so as to enable the development team to create and test a sufficient number of air quality monitor units to ensure proof of concept. It should be in an amount sufficient to procure enough components to create and test multiple hardware units.

The requirements of Issues #198 and #236 are applicable, as follows:

Proposals seeking consent for implementation of budget requests and/or change process should not contradict ProgCode core objective and should pass this four-pronged test when considered by operations: Is this proposal non-partisan in nature? Yes Is this proposal aligned with ProgCode's mission of removing the influence of big money in politics? Yes Does this proposal seek to empower the grassroots by supporting the creation of open source tech? Yes Is this proposal sponsored or funded by an outside organization? If yes, the source of the funding must be disclosed. No


Decision Making

Consent to implement a standard change per the Change Process

Optional Information

Reference link(s)

Community Discussion History

noahsbwilliams commented 1 year ago

Technical issue: Longform amount doesn’t match numerical amount in proposal. Other than that, has my support! Update: Issue resolved!